Electricity meters

davehurst replied on 19/04/2016 18:03

Posted on 19/04/2016 18:03

OK I know, i must be on one tonight but i feel certain comercial sites are trying to squeeze a few extra drops of blood out of us. I don't mind paying £3 for electricity but it starts to gring when sites start to charge £5 and £6 per night, as i have seen this year. It then really gets up my nose when they start to put us on a meter. I did 3 night at a site in Whitby over the winter period, i declined to pay the £5 per night fee for electricity and ran everything off my 12v leasure battery, even the T.V. and Satellite system. The only thing we could use was my wifes hair dryer. Even this had a plus point. We didn't need to fall out about the damned noise it made. 

Anyway, getting back to the point in hand, has anyone any input as to how much these meters charge ?. I know it all depends on how much power you use but i am looking for some constuctive input as to if these meters are fair or not.

Winter charges V Summer charges would be interesting.



Cornersteady replied on 23/04/2016 22:30

Posted on 23/04/2016 22:30

Copy and paste this and scroll to the bottom.


mmm, that's for camping (as in tents) not caravans

mmm, it's for a pitch on a CC site where electric is sold at differing prices depending on time of year. 

no, good try, but it is not a caravan pitch and all those that post on here are either caravaners or MHers who can't avail themselves of this tariff. Also this discussion is about using electricity or meters for caravans and MHs, so you can't really start quoting charges for other things. You are not comparing like with like. IMHO

thebroons replied on 24/04/2016 05:08

Posted on 24/04/2016 05:08

We used a couple of small private sites a couple of years back and both had meters. We found it was around £1 a day for our usage. 

Better than the £3+ a night some commercial and club sites charge. 

which club site charges £3? 

This was your question which I answered and provided a link to the facts.

Unless the electric supply used by tents is somehow different to the electric supply used by everyone else. 

It proves that the CC charges differing rates for ehu throught the year.

How and why this happens when they are supposed to charge the same price per unit they pay is open to conjecture. 

IamtheGaitor replied on 24/04/2016 07:17

Posted on 24/04/2016 07:17

''I don't go away in my caravan to struggle so if the electric supply is reduced or becomes I WILL use a generator.

and it will be a diesel.''

I agree totally with the first part of the sentance  - hairshirt caravanning isnt for us either. 

The second part is interesting - do the CC have a view on generator use? If they start metering electricity more may well go down this route.  We had a generator on the RV- a 4kw one - but never needed to use it on a site as we always go for hook up sites.

Cornersteady replied on 24/04/2016 08:57

Posted on 24/04/2016 08:57

We used a couple of small private sites a couple of years back and both had meters. We found it was around £1 a day for our usage. 

Better than the £3+ a night some commercial and club sites charge. 

which club site charges £3? 

This was your question which I answered and provided a link to the facts.

Unless the electric supply used by tents is somehow different to the electric supply used by everyone else. 

It proves that the CC charges differing rates for ehu throught the year.

How and why this happens when they are supposed to charge the same price per unit they pay is open to conjecture. 

I think you are very mistaken and your proof is flawed on a few levels. The prices shown for a EHU tent pitch is the normal pricing supply and demand structure as applies to caravans. There is an extra charge for an EHU (just like caravans) but this cannot be for the electricity as it goes up in peak times. A EHU in January (when it is coldest) only costs £1, in peak the charge £5. 

Secondly I rrefer you to your orginal post:

We found it was around £1 a day for our usage. 


Better than the £3+ a night some commercial and club sites charge. 

By using the word better you have made a link to the club charging £3+ for usage.

Thridly I think you are being disingenuous by comparing caravan pitches to tent pitches

Smile have a nice day now


thebroons replied on 24/04/2016 09:51

Posted on 24/04/2016 09:51

We used a couple of small private sites a couple of years back and both had meters. We found it was around £1 a day for our usage. 

Better than the £3+ a night some commercial and club sites charge. 

which club site charges £3? 

This was your question which I answered and provided a link to the facts.

Unless the electric supply used by tents is somehow different to the electric supply used by everyone else. 

It proves that the CC charges differing rates for ehu throught the year.

How and why this happens when they are supposed to charge the same price per unit they pay is open to conjecture. 

I think you are very mistaken and your proof is flawed on a few levels. The prices shown for a EHU tent pitch is the normal pricing supply and demand structure as applies to caravans. There is an extra charge for an EHU (just like caravans) but this cannot be for the electricity as it goes up in peak times. A EHU in January (when it is coldest) only costs £1, in peak the charge £5. 

Secondly I rrefer you to your orginal post:

We found it was around £1 a day for our usage. 


Better than the £3+ a night some commercial and club sites charge. 

By using the word better you have made a link to the club charging £3+ for usage.

Thridly I think you are being disingenuous by comparing caravan pitches to tent pitches

Smile have a nice day now


Even when the facts are there in print you have trouble accepting the truth. 


KjellNN replied on 24/04/2016 17:01

Posted on 24/04/2016 17:01


which club site charges £3? 

This was your question which I answered and provided a link to the facts.

Unless the electric supply used by tents is somehow different to the electric supply used by everyone else. 

It proves that the CC charges differing rates for ehu throught the year.

How and why this happens when they are supposed to charge the same price per unit they pay is open to conjecture. 

I think you are very mistaken and your proof is flawed on a few levels. The prices shown for a EHU tent pitch is the normal pricing supply and demand structure as applies to caravans. There is an extra charge for an EHU (just like caravans) but this cannot be for the electricity as it goes up in peak times. A EHU in January (when it is coldest) only costs £1, in peak the charge £5. 

Secondly I rrefer you to your orginal post:

We found it was around £1 a day for our usage. 


Better than the £3+ a night some commercial and club sites charge. 

By using the word better you have made a link to the club charging £3+ for usage.

Thridly I think you are being disingenuous by comparing caravan pitches to tent pitches

Smile have a nice day now


I'm struggling to follow all the above..............

but I do think the £3 difference in EHU and non EHU pitches on several sites, and the price charged for EHU to tent pitches is a reasonable pointer to what the Club is including in the normal pitch fee to cover electricity.

So if it was  metered, there could be a choice of whether to have EHU, and you would pay for what you use, much fairer all round.

Nobody would need to restrict themselves (other than to the 16amps), just be prepared to dig a bit deeper in their pocket.

eurortraveller replied on 24/04/2016 17:32

Posted on 24/04/2016 17:32

It's more complicated than a straight £3 differential charge for  electricity.

At Exeter racecourse it's £18.80 in summer for two people on a pitch with electricity but only £10.10 for a non electric pitch. A whopping £8.70 difference. 

Cornersteady replied on 24/04/2016 18:36

Posted on 24/04/2016 18:36

So if it was  metered, there could be a choice of whether to have EHU, and you would pay for what you use, much fairer all round.

Nobody would need to restrict themselves (other than to the 16amps), just be prepared to dig a bit deeper in their pocket

Agree with all of this, but as already stated by the club itself it is impractical to install meters on club sites.

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