Disappearing Dustbins

Linda Joy replied on 30/05/2024 21:30

Posted on 30/05/2024 21:30

I've been a member since 2014 , I have a Citroen Romahome it's " my little home on wheels ". But I am now in my late 70's, battling Arthritis and trying to stay independent. I'm only 5ft 1 in tall. I saw a note about dustbins on my first night but it didn't register as I didn't need one..Tonight enroute to Scotland I'm at Richmond  and realised there are NO DUSTBINS! Seemingly to save on binliners we only have the use of the very large business size bins at the reception.  We'll,  I applaud recycling and economy but this is another step too far!!  I can hardly reach let alone lift the heavy lid and the bin is full!  I cannot with my arthritic arms and shoulders hold the lid open with one hand and try and squash.my little bag in.  I tried the recycling bin, same result  full  can't hold it open to squash my cans inside. 3rd bin was locked or my arms had given up the struggle!   This is a step too far!  And I still mind all the lighting stands being completely off at night.  I used to happily cross to the toilet block at night but even with a torch I feel unhappy. I can't  see who is around, or see the trip hazards, rabbit holes etc.  Please restore every other light with low cost bulbs and put timer switches in so at least we have lights until midnight.  

What do I do with my rubbish. Take it home at the end of my month long travels ?? This is ridiculous Penny pinching. 

DavidKlyne replied on 30/05/2024 22:24

Posted on 30/05/2024 22:24

There are many advantages to having centralised bin collections, not just the saving on bin bags but also you don't have site staff trundling around the site two or three times a day which might also be a cost saving. I don't think they will be going back to the old system.

The other side of that coin is how does the Club help members who are less able to manage the large bins. The easy answer would be to leave the lids open but that causes all sorts of other issues like smell and vermin. It might be an idea to have a word with the site staff to see if they could assist. It might not be any help to you but I always take my walking stick with me and I use that to push the lid open enough for me to throw the rubbish in. However I do agree that the Club need to consider this as part of their accessibility requirements.


eribaMotters replied on 31/05/2024 09:17

Posted on 31/05/2024 09:17

A run of double step cast concrete steps, like a high curb stone, next to the big bins would be a possible solution. If this was several metres long it would allow the much needed boost in height to lift the bin lids and also act as a safety measure to retain the bins in place and stop any potential rolling away.



Tinwheeler replied on 31/05/2024 10:14

Posted on 31/05/2024 10:14

I remember JK (whatever happened to him?) telling us there was always a normal bin available for the less able to use but maybe that was only where he was the warden 🤷🏻‍♂️

flatcoat replied on 31/05/2024 10:26

Posted on 31/05/2024 10:26

In my experience Most sites other than the CAMC have centralised bin points. At the moment i understand it is a trial however the OP would be better making her valid views known in writing directly to the club. 

Arch replied on 31/05/2024 10:48

Posted on 31/05/2024 10:48

I do sympathise with you Linda and agree with a lot of what you say the industrial wheelie bin lids are heavy and difficult to hold while putting your rubbish in, if you can find a staff member (another disappearing facility) make your difficulties known to them they may help you out, personally I would rather pay an increased membership fee and have the services there should be.

Takethedogalong replied on 31/05/2024 10:49

Posted on 31/05/2024 10:49

What would I do if (when) I am in this sort of situation?

As regards rubbish, I would simply ask the staff if there’s an alternative, and if not ask for help. Staff are around sites a good deal, and will be happy to help from what we have experienced. Then there’s the hundreds of other willing Members around. I would help someone, always have throughout our near 40 years of Membership. Retaining independence is brilliant, and I know that it can be difficult to ask for any kind of help, but if you don’t, then frustration sets in, and you lose anyway🤷‍♀️

Lighting? I have never been on a Club Site where the facility blocks weren’t adequately lit externally. Beyond that, elsewhere on a Club Site, there are always a few bollards lit, but what prevents using a head torch (hands free) or merely a good, hand held torch? We consider a good torch of some kind a vital piece of camping equipment, always have. You can ask for a pitch near the facilities as well, we are always sent a Club email asking if we have any special requests. I’m not sure if it doesn’t ask on the booking system at time of booking as well🤔

Everything gets that little bit harder to keep doing as we get older, particularly if you have any kind of mobility issues. But I have vowed never to let any inability to simply ask for help prevent me from doing what I love, even if it does mean the odd rebuff occasionally. Most folks are kind and considerate, be they staff or other visitors. 

I hope that the OP can continue to tour, life is changing all around us, but little adaptations, asking for a bit of help, can get folks through most situations👍

Cornersteady replied on 31/05/2024 11:17

Posted on 31/05/2024 11:17

If I were in that position I would have raised it with the wardens and got some help, which is the first port of call for anything affecting one's stay.


Navigateur replied on 31/05/2024 12:23

Posted on 31/05/2024 12:23

I expect the industrial bins are here to stay because of the cost savings.  They are however not suitable for consumer use, so some sensible solution needs to be found. Trying to find a member of site staff to take away from their other duties is unrealistic; a raised platform to climb upon does not help with size and weight of the lid and requires additional space; hoping another member who is blessed with being larger or fitter coming along is ridiculous. It would be nice to consider reducing waste but for the amount of packaging on foodstuffs to keep them bio-secure.

It will become inevitable that people will start to dispose of waste off-site. Caravanners already have a bad reputation for emptying toilet waste in unsuitable places. Are we to see this made worse by bags of other waste?  The Club needs to reason out a serious way around the problem they have created - I suspect that won't happen until they are taken to court under H&S legislation when someone is seriously injured, or worse.

I recal seeing, but a long time ago, a frame fitted to one of these bins that held the lid half open and enclosed the front and sides, with a spring loaded flap in the front face for loading.  Still a problem with people having to climb on something to reach the flap, and I understand that with all the loading coming at one point the bins did not fill evenly. 

Tinwheeler replied on 31/05/2024 12:46

Posted on 31/05/2024 12:46

The situation is begging for people to dump their waste bags beside the bins.

Arch replied on 31/05/2024 12:56

Posted on 31/05/2024 12:56

Trying to find a member of site staff to take away from their other duties is unrealistic 

I agree with all you say Navi except the above unless the number of staff have been drastically reduced then with all the club club changes such as Fast check-in, central bins, less mowing etc the staff should have much more time to look after their guests, and to be fair the vast majority I've come across have been exceptionally helpful.

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