Disappearing Dustbins

Linda Joy replied on 30/05/2024 21:30

Posted on 30/05/2024 21:30

I've been a member since 2014 , I have a Citroen Romahome it's " my little home on wheels ". But I am now in my late 70's, battling Arthritis and trying to stay independent. I'm only 5ft 1 in tall. I saw a note about dustbins on my first night but it didn't register as I didn't need one..Tonight enroute to Scotland I'm at Richmond  and realised there are NO DUSTBINS! Seemingly to save on binliners we only have the use of the very large business size bins at the reception.  We'll,  I applaud recycling and economy but this is another step too far!!  I can hardly reach let alone lift the heavy lid and the bin is full!  I cannot with my arthritic arms and shoulders hold the lid open with one hand and try and squash.my little bag in.  I tried the recycling bin, same result  full  can't hold it open to squash my cans inside. 3rd bin was locked or my arms had given up the struggle!   This is a step too far!  And I still mind all the lighting stands being completely off at night.  I used to happily cross to the toilet block at night but even with a torch I feel unhappy. I can't  see who is around, or see the trip hazards, rabbit holes etc.  Please restore every other light with low cost bulbs and put timer switches in so at least we have lights until midnight.  

What do I do with my rubbish. Take it home at the end of my month long travels ?? This is ridiculous Penny pinching. 

Hja replied on 31/05/2024 13:00

Posted on 31/05/2024 13:00

One answer is to speak to the warden either on arrival or shortly afterwards, explain the issue and ask if there is a solution. My guess is most wardens will be able to offer a suitable resolution.

but also write to the club to specifically ask what there answer is.

Takethedogalong replied on 31/05/2024 13:16

Posted on 31/05/2024 13:16

I much prefer the centralised bins. You don’t get the noisy tractors around as much, nor the sound of all the wine bottles being disposed of late at night. When we were at Clumber a few weeks ago, the staff checked the big bins each morning, so I am sure anything left there at an appropriate time (not overnight), they could simply put in. But the best thing to do is simply talk to them, see what they suggest. Not all sites are using the centralised bin system either.
I’m sure this isn’t an insurmountable problem with some decent communication.🙂

Takethedogalong replied on 31/05/2024 13:29

Posted on 31/05/2024 12:23 by Navigateur

I expect the industrial bins are here to stay because of the cost savings.  They are however not suitable for consumer use, so some sensible solution needs to be found. Trying to find a member of site staff to take away from their other duties is unrealistic; a raised platform to climb upon does not help with size and weight of the lid and requires additional space; hoping another member who is blessed with being larger or fitter coming along is ridiculous. It would be nice to consider reducing waste but for the amount of packaging on foodstuffs to keep them bio-secure.

It will become inevitable that people will start to dispose of waste off-site. Caravanners already have a bad reputation for emptying toilet waste in unsuitable places. Are we to see this made worse by bags of other waste?  The Club needs to reason out a serious way around the problem they have created - I suspect that won't happen until they are taken to court under H&S legislation when someone is seriously injured, or worse.

I recal seeing, but a long time ago, a frame fitted to one of these bins that held the lid half open and enclosed the front and sides, with a spring loaded flap in the front face for loading.  Still a problem with people having to climb on something to reach the flap, and I understand that with all the loading coming at one point the bins did not fill evenly. 

Posted on 31/05/2024 13:29

All the bins need are a smaller top opening port, rather than having to lift the whole lid. But if it’s a waste collection contract, it might be that the Club has to go with the bins provided. I’ve seen huge wheelie bins with a sort of port hole on the top. There are all sorts of different designs.

Not everyone sorts their rubbish though. The general waste bin at Clumber was full of pizza boxes the night the pizza van had been. It was right next to the paper/cardboard bin, of the same proportions.🤷‍♀️

Cornersteady replied on 31/05/2024 13:58

Posted on 31/05/2024 13:58

The wardens duties certainly include helping those staying on site and the amount of reviews posted that say wardens are extremely helpful with various problems certainly prove that. 


joanie replied on 31/05/2024 14:48

Posted on 31/05/2024 14:48

this is not new, I emailed the club about it 2 years ago. I had a reply but it was of no help. I asked the wardens on one site  as apart from the bins being heavy and high, when the wind is coming in a certain direction, I have no chance of lifting the lid. I was told to leave my bag of rubbish beside the bins, it didn't work if the wind was high. The last time we were at Malvern, they also had 2 small bins beside the large ones for waste and recycling for folk like me and Linda the OP. Not too difficult to do is it?

Hja replied on 31/05/2024 15:24

Posted on 31/05/2024 13:29 by Takethedogalong

All the bins need are a smaller top opening port, rather than having to lift the whole lid. But if it’s a waste collection contract, it might be that the Club has to go with the bins provided. I’ve seen huge wheelie bins with a sort of port hole on the top. There are all sorts of different designs.

Not everyone sorts their rubbish though. The general waste bin at Clumber was full of pizza boxes the night the pizza van had been. It was right next to the paper/cardboard bin, of the same proportions.🤷‍♀️

Posted on 31/05/2024 15:24

At home we cannot put takeaway pitza boxes in the card and paper bin they go in the general waste.

KjellNN replied on 31/05/2024 16:31

Posted on 31/05/2024 16:31

These big bins were in use on CCC sites quite a while before appearing on CAMC sites, many CCC sites had a smaller regular bin for those of us who struggle with using the huge bins.

scoutman replied on 31/05/2024 17:00

Posted on 31/05/2024 17:00

It is now a legal requirement in Wales for all businesses to separate all recyclable waste into specific bins. Not sure how this effects clubsites, as we have only stayed on English sites since this began in April. We are due shortly to begin a month long tour of north and west Wales sites so we will soon find out. Incidentally, all domestic waste from our development is collected from one central waste compound  where large wheely bins are used, some more elderly or less able residents are unable to lift the lids to deposit said waste leading to unsightly and often vermin attacked have which are not picked up by council waste operatives.

nelliethehooker replied on 31/05/2024 21:30

Posted on 31/05/2024 13:29 by Takethedogalong

All the bins need are a smaller top opening port, rather than having to lift the whole lid. But if it’s a waste collection contract, it might be that the Club has to go with the bins provided. I’ve seen huge wheelie bins with a sort of port hole on the top. There are all sorts of different designs.

Not everyone sorts their rubbish though. The general waste bin at Clumber was full of pizza boxes the night the pizza van had been. It was right next to the paper/cardboard bin, of the same proportions.🤷‍♀️

Posted on 31/05/2024 21:30

A couple of points, tda. Not every recycling company will accept pizza boxes in with the cardboard packaging because of the excessive grease and cooked cheese stuck to the boxes. we have that restriction at home.

On the commercial site we use at Linlithgow their large bins all have circular holes in their tops big enough to push a waste bag through, with rubber flaps to stop rodents etc accessing the waste, and at the C&CC site we used recently their bin lids were kept open at one end by the use of a home made L shaped wedge which have to opening of the bin lid sufficient to put ones waste in much easier.

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