Disappearing Dustbins

Linda Joy replied on 30/05/2024 21:30

Posted on 30/05/2024 21:30

I've been a member since 2014 , I have a Citroen Romahome it's " my little home on wheels ". But I am now in my late 70's, battling Arthritis and trying to stay independent. I'm only 5ft 1 in tall. I saw a note about dustbins on my first night but it didn't register as I didn't need one..Tonight enroute to Scotland I'm at Richmond  and realised there are NO DUSTBINS! Seemingly to save on binliners we only have the use of the very large business size bins at the reception.  We'll,  I applaud recycling and economy but this is another step too far!!  I can hardly reach let alone lift the heavy lid and the bin is full!  I cannot with my arthritic arms and shoulders hold the lid open with one hand and try and squash.my little bag in.  I tried the recycling bin, same result  full  can't hold it open to squash my cans inside. 3rd bin was locked or my arms had given up the struggle!   This is a step too far!  And I still mind all the lighting stands being completely off at night.  I used to happily cross to the toilet block at night but even with a torch I feel unhappy. I can't  see who is around, or see the trip hazards, rabbit holes etc.  Please restore every other light with low cost bulbs and put timer switches in so at least we have lights until midnight.  

What do I do with my rubbish. Take it home at the end of my month long travels ?? This is ridiculous Penny pinching. 

mickysf replied on 31/05/2024 21:43

Posted on 31/05/2024 21:43

My concern is that our efforts to recycle may be comprised purely by the cost of plastic bags. Surely a system can be found that makes recycling easier and more cost effective. It may mean a little more effort but it shouldn’t become detrimental to the recycling cause.

Takethedogalong replied on 31/05/2024 22:52

Posted on 31/05/2024 22:52

Had no idea about pizza boxes.😬 Ours get re used as start up fuel for the stove, but the boxes are only on the outside of the plastic wrapped pizzas. We don’t buy takeaway pizzas, only those you cook at home. Everyday is a learning day😁

DavidKlyne replied on 01/06/2024 09:37

Posted on 31/05/2024 22:52 by Takethedogalong

Had no idea about pizza boxes.😬 Ours get re used as start up fuel for the stove, but the boxes are only on the outside of the plastic wrapped pizzas. We don’t buy takeaway pizzas, only those you cook at home. Everyday is a learning day😁

Posted on 01/06/2024 09:37


I think there is a bit of a difference between the two types of packaging. When you buy a pizza from a supermarket, for example, there tends to be an extra piece of card under the pizza so the outside box does not get so contaminated. Those purchased at campsites tend just to go straight in the box so the take away pizza's creates more contamination to the packaging. 


mickysf replied on 01/06/2024 09:51

Posted on 01/06/2024 09:51

I remember not too many long ago, the Dutch takeaway Chinese and also the Pizza place near the site we were staying on expected you to provide your own containers. In deed the latter sold their own special reusable containers and a small discount was offered on those using them at their establishment. Win win me thinks! Now why not over here? 

joanie replied on 01/06/2024 12:07

Posted on 01/06/2024 12:07

so what about the bins, are you all happy using the indusrial bins, are you able to reach them or even lift them. I expect I am talking to mostly men here so they will have no problem so ask your OH what  they think of the situation, leaving pizza boxes out of the equation for the moment. 

Cornersteady replied on 01/06/2024 12:23

Posted on 01/06/2024 12:23

I'm surprised to hear that taking the rubbish to the bins is perceived as a male only chore as this certainly doesn't apply to us, either at home or on holiday but maybe it does for others and perhaps a whole thread on male/female chores in camping? I can't say I've really noticed who takes the rubbish out on site but I have seen females do it so we can't be the only ones?

But we have used several sites in the past year where there are the old dustbins and the larger 'industrial' containers and neither of us have any problems. Also the larger containers that we have come across on several sites had spring loaded lids so they were quite easy to open and close. One site even had a glass recycling bin that was just a hole to drop bottles into so even easier.   

I've never really thought about he type of bins on any site. However as I said upthread if I couldn't manage to lift any lid then I'd ask for help.

Cornersteady replied on 01/06/2024 12:27

Posted on 01/06/2024 12:27

Going back to pizza's, I consider myself to be an expert as they are one of my favourite foods. Those bought from supermarkets, are usually (always in my experience) wrapped in plastic inside the box and the box goes into recycling while those bought from a takeaway or a take home box are only in cardboard boxes that shouldn't go onto recycling for reasons given above. 

KjellNN replied on 01/06/2024 13:13

Posted on 01/06/2024 13:13

I think there should be some provision made for those who find some of the big waste container lids too heavy or awkward to lift.

Being small is not the only problem, my OH has had a half shoulder replacement so as a result she cannot lift that arm above shoulder height.  This makes it awkward to lift the lid and throw in a bag while holding it open.

As a result, waste disposal has now become my responsibility in many cases.

mickysf replied on 01/06/2024 13:51

Posted on 01/06/2024 12:07 by joanie

so what about the bins, are you all happy using the indusrial bins, are you able to reach them or even lift them. I expect I am talking to mostly men here so they will have no problem so ask your OH what  they think of the situation, leaving pizza boxes out of the equation for the moment. 

Posted on 01/06/2024 13:51

So for me, the lids and lifting are not an issue but I can see they will be for others. As I’ve said previously, I don’t think it will encourage folk to sort their waste out properly and the lazy amongst us will use the waste bins in the toilets, the laundries, the veg prep areas if these are more 'convenient’. I can see dog waste also being placed in them too and judging by the signs I’ve seen lately on sites this is already happening. 

RedKite replied on 01/06/2024 14:37

Posted on 01/06/2024 14:37

Last Autumn all club sites we stayed on had the normal bins but have seen euro bins on site at Malvern Hills site.

All the local bins here are Euro bins and I do most of the trips to empty the rubbish and sites we have stayed on here have them as well, some departments still have the smaller bins outside houses for collection but not that many.

As to waste being put in wrong bins have seen a warden a few years ago get annoyed as some folks had put dog poo bags in the bottle bin and it was clearly labelled in large letters.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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