CL Closed for The Year

harryb replied on 26/06/2020 18:19

Posted on 26/06/2020 18:19

I have just had an email from a cl owner saying sorry but he has to cancel our booking for 7 nights on the 23rd Aug because he has decided not to reopen until next year. He was terribly sorry but had made the decision after studying the Covid 19 secure protocols sent to him by the CMHC on 23rd June.

He didn’t go into details but he was worried about the advice given after studying the implications and requirements should someone have to self-isolate on his site are very worrying.

For someone to be worried enough to make that decision begs the question,  what does this advice imply on club sites?

Have all people going away from the 4th onwards thought of this. I know I hadn’t

Oneputt replied on 28/06/2020 11:35

Posted on 28/06/2020 11:15 by

The one owner is unhappy with the fact that some guest travel for several hours away and would probably have to stop for fuel/comfort breaks and there in lays his concern.  

Seems a futile concern, on its own, as it is likely that if folk stop for a comfort break etc (we generally don't) and use facilities on route it is just as likely that during their stay they will refuel, take comfort breaks etc. 

Posted on 28/06/2020 11:35

It’s his decision and I for one fully support his stance

allanandjean replied on 28/06/2020 12:06

Posted on 28/06/2020 11:35 by Oneputt

It’s his decision and I for one fully support his stance

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:06

Hi, I don't think it matters why a CL owner may decide not to open as its there decision to make as they see fit.

I do not however see how they will  move forward if the reason is as stated in your previous post.

Unless there are CLs who's business model seems to be that they will only take people who can prove they do not have Covid 19, they do not leave the site and there is verifiable cleaning of all surfaces after ever use then it seems that some will not be happy to visit.

Rufs replied on 28/06/2020 12:07

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:07

What authorities? well i would have thought that would be self explanatory, local council, local health and safety, whoever is going to be responsible for testing the site

I know this scenario is very unlikely to happen, but not impossible, and  as i said earlier, have not read all the club info, but just hope they have an action plan ready to put into action should the need arise,

whatever the government has pushed out seems daunting enough to put some CL's off of opening.

If you are concerned about the scenario above then it seems that maybe there are others that see it as as less risky than you seem to

as has been said on here many times, individual members are responsible for their own risk assesment whether it be a CL or site, personally i will not be touring for July & August so that i can make that assesment, but no hardship, we very rarely tour during those months anyway 

eurortraveller replied on 28/06/2020 12:31

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:31

I reckon that with the present figure of 310,000 people in the country confirmed as infected with this virus,  and something like the same number again infected but unconfirmed,  a CL owner has got to be pretty desperate for income if he is to welcome visitors in July. 

Rufs replied on 28/06/2020 12:37

Posted on 28/06/2020 11:15 by

The one owner is unhappy with the fact that some guest travel for several hours away and would probably have to stop for fuel/comfort breaks and there in lays his concern.  

Seems a futile concern, on its own, as it is likely that if folk stop for a comfort break etc (we generally don't) and use facilities on route it is just as likely that during their stay they will refuel, take comfort breaks etc. 

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:37

I dont think this was the CL owners only concern, but it should be of concern to all, visitors going into an area and taking the virus with them, you only need to look at the news reports today re Leicester to gauge how real the risk is.,

it is just as likely that during their stay they will refuel, take comfort breaks etc.

well there are those who think people on site will be totally self sufficient without the need to go off site to mix with locals in shops etc, so sites will be havens of tranquility and of course virus free,

some CL's are probably more in tune with this mind set due to their location, but it will be a non starter on lots of main sites.

allanandjean replied on 28/06/2020 12:38

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:38

Rufs, You would have thought?

Below is the text fro page 104 of the UK Hospitality guidance, which the .Gov website directs you to, regarding a situation with a confirmed or suspected case of covid.

You will see that even where someone is self isolating the advice is that if this extends past 14 days or they deteriorate the should call NHS 111.

How this would get to a situation as you describe is, as you say, very unlikely.

Looking at the guidance, 138 pages long, I can see why some CL owners are looking at the potential income versus the hassle and deciding not to bother.


In addition to the foregoing, the person and the group will need to use a designated service point to get water and dispose of grey/black waste. When the person or group plan to use these facilities, they should contact the reception desk by phone to arrange a
specific time to do this. A park representative will need to clean the service point with the appropriate chemicals it can be used again.

A member of the park’s team should be in regular contact by phone with any person selfisolating (or members of their group) to determine their condition.

If their symptoms deteriorate or extend beyond the 14-day period they should be advised to call NHS 111 for further advice.

All park communications with anyone self-isolating should be recorded – date, time and outcomes.

Takethedogalong replied on 28/06/2020 12:39

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:39

I worry more about the asymptomatic person than those with obvious signs of the virus. They won’t know they have it, and can pass it on to folks more vulnerable.

All anyone can do is an individual risk assessment around any trip they are planning, including how they will cope if someone else on Site turns out to have tested positive. (Frankly, most will just scuttle back home as quickly as they can, but that’s the “flight” reaction in us all). 

I think it’s up to individual CL owners to make their own minds up about what is best for them. Those that do choose to open will have to adhere to Govt’s “Covid Secure” guidance, and recognise the duty of care to visitors and the local community. Same with B&Bs, cottages, any other type of holiday accommodation. Likewise, visitors need to keep themselves, and of equal importance, others free from risk.

The simple fact is, like any other kind of pandemic, the virus needs two things to thrive and multiply. Humans in a certain proximity (not taking adequate precautions) and humans travelling around, causing new clusters. 


replied on 28/06/2020 12:43

Posted on 28/06/2020 10:45 by Rufs

Rufs, but the Test and Trace aren’t using your analogy. You original post was referring to the whole site having to self isolate but that wouldn’t happen

If the one infected person had been using the on site facilities along with a possible high percentage of others on the site, you can be sure the authorities would isolate the site until such time that everybody had been tested.

Gloves, soap/water, sanitiser, i use all 3 depending on circumstances, personal choice,  gloves are disposed of before entering house, you cant do this with hands.undecided

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:43

Gloves, soap/water, sanitiser, i use all 3 depending on circumstances, personal choice, gloves are disposed of before entering house, you cant do this with hands.

Each to their own Rufs but, although I work on the premise that the steering wheel etc in the car may be infected I know that it isn't. If I wore gloves until reaching home it could be. When I return to the car after going out I use an 80% alcohol hand sanitiser before touching anything other than the exterior door handle to get inside where the sanitiser awaits.  

If the one infected person had been using the on site facilities along with a possible high percentage of others on the site, you can be sure the authorities would isolate the site until such time that everybody had been tested.

I find it unlikely that the authorities would take any such action Rufs

allanandjean replied on 28/06/2020 12:52

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:31 by eurortraveller

I reckon that with the present figure of 310,000 people in the country confirmed as infected with this virus,  and something like the same number again infected but unconfirmed,  a CL owner has got to be pretty desperate for income if he is to welcome visitors in July. 

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:52

Hi euror, I am not great at math's but if there are a potential 600000 people with the virus thats less than 1% of the UK population.

If we are to believe what we are told the majority of CLs are not making much money so would agree that they may need to be desperate but, that's probably as much to do with the hassle as the risk of infection..

I cant see it being a big bang change next week but if it goes OK the pace may well accelerate.

Just heard on BBC news that Eurotunnel had there busiest ever booking day yesterday at three times the bookings of the same day last year.

replied on 28/06/2020 12:56

Posted on 28/06/2020 11:35 by Oneputt

It’s his decision and I for one fully support his stance

Posted on 28/06/2020 12:56

As do I although not necessarily his reasoning

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