Dynamic pricing to be introduced

replied on 09/02/2023 14:34

Posted on 09/02/2023 14:34

Apparently dynamic pricing is to be rolled out to all UK campsites during 2023.

Which means that those that book up to a year ahead will be able to take advantage of the lowest prices.

Those who for whatever reason cannot commit to booking so far in advance will be penalised if they wish to book closer to the time of travel because apparently the higher the popularity of a campsite and the closer to the time of arrival the booking is made, the higher the price may be.

As with all the changes that have happened during the last 6 months, where were any or more importantly ALL the members consulted and balloted regarding these changes?

Many older members (like ourselves) cannot commit to long term bookings due to medical considerations, appointments that may arise because of these etc; we have previously just set off when able on a ‘tour’ and then by way of the (what was) late availability checker booked ‘on the fly.’

We have already been penalised with the 21 day non-returnable deposit system which really could have been much fairer reduced to 7 days. 

I used to fiercely defend the CAMC as a great organisation to be a member of but this latest move has been the nail in the coffin for us personally.

Arch replied on 05/03/2023 15:04

Posted on 05/03/2023 13:59 by Cornersteady

Could be correct but it doesn't alter my main point that that it's outfit on pitches and booking that the club will look at rather than any social media comments, responded to or not. 

Posted on 05/03/2023 15:04

Well they won't be having mine this year I've booked alternatives for the rest of the year for a much lower cost

Cornersteady replied on 05/03/2023 15:26

Posted on 05/03/2023 15:04 by Arch

Well they won't be having mine this year I've booked alternatives for the rest of the year for a much lower cost

Posted on 05/03/2023 15:26

Yes that's what I've always posted about - find a site that gives you what you want, nothing to argue about there Arch from me.

As I reposted today, that's 'our' only real power but until enough do that nothing will change in my view, and so far, as far as I can see looking at bookings, there's no indication that enough have followed your lead.

brue replied on 05/03/2023 15:41

Posted on 05/03/2023 12:36 by Cornersteady

I never said they did not notice, in fact as I did say they to respond to them they must do.

Posted on 05/03/2023 15:41

I was replying to your comment about whether they were "bothered" or not, they probably are bothered more than it appears although they seem to be fire fighting things at the moment with their responses to the new booking system and pricing etc. 

Everything hinges on bookings, you are correct, but judging by many of the comments on FB, TP, CT etc many are disappointed with the way things are going. Which is why the TP ratings have collapsed from 5* to 3.4* !!

Cornersteady replied on 05/03/2023 15:51

Posted on 05/03/2023 15:41 by brue

I was replying to your comment about whether they were "bothered" or not, they probably are bothered more than it appears although they seem to be fire fighting things at the moment with their responses to the new booking system and pricing etc. 

Everything hinges on bookings, you are correct, but judging by many of the comments on FB, TP, CT etc many are disappointed with the way things are going. Which is why the TP ratings have collapsed from 5* to 3.4* !!

Posted on 05/03/2023 15:51

Yes I said not bothered Brue, but not as you posted and alluded to not noticed, a difference to me, as I said they respond so they must notice but simply are not bothered. Hence my reply and correction to your post - nothing more in that. 

As you replied to me and raised a point, yes many may be disappointed on social media, and the rating has dropped but in my view it won't matter to the club apart from a few good PR replies, you could say otherwise but neither of us know.

Bookings and on site pitching will matter far more to the club and they appear to me to be holding up. 


InaD replied on 05/03/2023 16:10

Posted on 05/03/2023 11:10 by

I am in hospital  and there are people  I would like to shout at but they have syringes and I have more sense.

Posted on 05/03/2023 16:10

I haven't followed CT for a few days, but I'm sorry to read you're still in hospital AD.  I hope it won't be long before you can go home and send you my best wishes.

Off topic, but wanted to to respond.

brue replied on 05/03/2023 16:12

Posted on 05/03/2023 16:12

I don't know how the bookings are going Cornersteady, although I can have a shot at the calculation via the number previously mentioned. wink

replied on 05/03/2023 18:02

Posted on 05/03/2023 16:10 by InaD

I haven't followed CT for a few days, but I'm sorry to read you're still in hospital AD.  I hope it won't be long before you can go home and send you my best wishes.

Off topic, but wanted to to respond.

Posted on 05/03/2023 18:02

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Chelty replied on 05/03/2023 18:03

Posted on 05/03/2023 10:33 by Cornersteady

It's not acceptable that members are giving wardens a hard time on matters that the wardens have no control over but at least those matters are passed up.

But I find it it interesting that although they do this they are still coming along to club sites? 

I don't think the club is bothered at all by any social media comments whatsoever. They will respond but are those comments truly representative of what people using sites actually feel? It is outfits on pitches and/or bookings that they will look at and what was the latest number of booking given a while back on the 'new' booking system - 250,000? 

Yesterday I looked at a frequent flyer site and it's low for the next few months, and on some SPs full across some weeks. At Seacroft all pitches are low from now! SP for July and August are low and for half the months they are full. So what will the club think looking at all this?

For the last few years it's been sites will be empty, everyone will vote with their wheels, lets all 'protest' at the next AGM... and it never happens - so far of course.

The only thing the club will respond to is a lack of, or a significant decrease in, income, and again that doesn't appear to be happening to me, or even to the extent needed. Not going to club sites is really the only power 'we' have, yet even those that 'complain' to wardens are still turning up and paying their money.

Posted on 05/03/2023 18:03

The fact that availability is Low is not necessarily reflective of actual occupancy.

Last November we went to Poolsbrook which was showing availabilty as low but on arrival we found more than half the pitches unoccupied. On querying this with the wardens we were told that pitch numbers had been lowered to enable them to carry out pitch maintenance. 


Takethedogalong replied on 05/03/2023 18:29

Posted on 05/03/2023 18:29

I have my doubts about the number of low occupancies that are showing on some Sites. 

Next week might test the Club’s response to late cancellations as well, as there is a snow warning out for many areas, certainly here in Yorkshire and the North East. Some feedback from anyone affected, and how any cancelled bookings were dealt with would be appreciated, but I think the majority might just fall into the “take out insurance” next time response. 

JollyKernow replied on 05/03/2023 18:34

Posted on 05/03/2023 11:43 by Takethedogalong

Sadly, it’s nearly always front line staff of any organisation that bear the brunt of Mr and Mrs Angry, and I always think it’s hard, because they are seldom in a position to respond beyond toeing the official line. Anyone abusing such staff immediately shows their own weakness and inability to resolve their own issues. I sincerely hope that if things do get serious, then HQ defends those staff where appropriate, and deflects the flak away from those who caught up in unpopular policies and procedures.

I have watched two AGMs these past years, via Zoom like technology, and have to say have been totally underwhelmed in terms of content, responses and reports back. Perhaps the AGM isn’t the best place to raise anything really, as it seems totally stage managed prior to taking place.  Reports have to be delivered, the content is generally published prior to the meeting, beyond that nothing much else actually happens unless there is a bunch of flowers to be given out. I can only recall one question from the floor that was of any interest, and somewhat ironically, 18 months on, the Club are having to trial that suggestion of metered hook ups, but still showing a degree of reluctance to take such things on board. Any questions submitted via email aren’t discussed, and you only have to read through the responses to realise most are shoehorned into certain categories and given a generic Club response. Much like what is happening on TP. 

Regional meetings are possibly livelier, and need to be. There wasn’t a single response to any questions from the floor last October. Unbelievable given what was going on at the time with the implementation of the new booking system. The whole shebang, from the lowliest Committees right up to the AGM needs a review and some better input from away from the three main reports. A simple regional feedback would be a start, and perhaps get more folks interested. I question if central London is the best location as well, think it’s been there a couple of years running now. Expensive and not that easy for a lot of folks to get to if you are anywhere but SE based.

Executive Committee……

Posted on 05/03/2023 18:34

TTDA, regarding your first paragraph, there have always been systems in place if / when things go "unpleasant". It's truly a last resort but an instruction to leave site along with a membership suspension can happen. I've only had to implement that twice in the last 13 years. Saying that, angry always gets reported.


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