Flowers and Gardens Escorted Tour

Tour highlights

  • Explore the RHS’s flagship garden at Wisley
  • Visit London’s famous Kew Gardens
  • Enjoy a private tour of Kew
  • Free day to enjoy the rolling countryside or perhaps head into London

Days 1 -3: RHS Garden Wisley

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Day 1 - Arrive at Alderstead Heath Club Campsite

Settle into the campsite and meet your tour hosts and fellow members.

Day 2 - RHS Garden Wisley

Travel by coach from the campsite to the RHS garden at Wisley for a day that promises an abundance of stunning vistas and beautiful flowers. You’ll discover a variety of different gardens covering a range of themes and planting, all lovingly tended by the team of gardeners. From the wellbeing garden and the wildlife garden to the wide open lawns and mature trees of Seven Acres, just to mention a few. You can’t fail to be drawn into the wondrous plants and landscapes set across 240 acres. Take your time as you stroll through the gardens admiring the beauty of nature and maybe picking up some ideas for your own garden.

Day 3 - Free day to enjoy at your leisure

What will you do today? You might like to travel into central London to see some of the sights of the capital, or perhaps you’d prefer to enjoy a walk into the rolling countryside around the site with both the Pilgrims' Way and Downlands Circular Walk accessible from the campsite.

Days 4 - 5: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

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Day 4 - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

The coach takes you into London today to the world famous gardens at Kew. Perhaps the most famous section of the gardens is the Palm House, an indoor rainforest where you can discover tropical plants from around the world. However you might be surprised to find that the Palm House isn’t the largest glasshouse at Kew, that title goes to the Temperate House, which is the world's largest Victorian glasshouse.

Kew has a number of glasshouses and conservatories for you to enjoy but it also has an abundance of open air gardens and landscapes for you to discover from the Rock garden and the Queen’s garden, that dates back to the 17th century, to the Treetop walkway, which takes you up into the canopy to see the trees in a very different way and offers stunning views out across the gardens. And it doesn’t stop there! Kew is also home to the carefully manicured Japanese Landscape and the Great Pagoda, which was built in 1762 and affords spectacular views of the capital.

Day 5 - Back to your own garden

It's time to say goodbye to the group and head home, but with an array of wonderful memories and hopefully a splash of inspiration for your own garden.


Image taken by Grant Cargill at North Ledaig Club campsite

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