New beginnings

This story happened on: 25/01/2012

" I am not sure if I`d like to go a caravan holiday" words uttered by my husband when I first suggested a caravan holiday.

We were given the opportunity to borrow my fathers caravan for a weekend to give it a try for the benefit of my husband- as I had grown up caravaning and but had been out of the loop for a long time.

We had recently bought 2 lovely puppies and this type of holiday would be perfect for us.

First night away my husband the following morning proclaimed the best nights sleep he had ever ever had ! I was shocked -I expected complaints but no-he had been converted.

On our return we decided it was the best time we had had and we wanted more!!

Two years ago we took the plunge and bought our first caravan and she is great-we go away most weekends and have already a list of our favourite sites and our wishlist of sites for the months to come !

I also tow the caravan all the time -something I never thought I would have the confidence to do and my husband is my TOMTOM-roll on the start of the weekends away

moz1013 commented on 16/02/2012 20:35

Commented on 16/02/2012 20:35

I also sleep really well when my husband and I go away in our caravan, maybe it's the fresh air and not thinking about work that does it.

I have always been happy to tow, my husband likes to watch the scenery go by I think. The only bit I'm still not great at is reversing, but he's great at that part, so we switch over.

Stu Andrea commented on 19/02/2012 10:54

Commented on 19/02/2012 10:54

We sleep really well, but my wife won't tow so I guess I'm tired by the time I've put up the awning, and set everything out 

commented on 19/02/2012 11:13

Commented on 19/02/2012 11:13

I also sleep well in the caravan. Sometimes with the change in air too well. :)

I normally sleep 6.5 to 7 hours (ideally 7 hours). When we went to Southport for 10 days last Christmas on the first day I slept for 2 hours after tea - not something I would normally do. I then went to bed about 10.30 and woke up about 8am. 11.5 hours sleep. Next day 9.5 hourd and 3rd day 8 hourd. By the 4th day back to my normal 7 hours. 

The same thing happens in the Highlands and a few other areas.


TeddyandPaul commented on 23/02/2012 17:54

Commented on 23/02/2012 17:54

Glad to hear you tow caravan, I am just a beginner and towed our Bailey Orion 440-4 home from the dealer.  Always look when we are out and about and I almost never see a lady towing, no doubt there are loads though.  Not been anywhere else in it yet but hope to venture out soon.


cannycaravanner commented on 28/02/2012 20:04

Commented on 28/02/2012 20:04

I also do most of the towing, I've managed to manouvre the caravan once onto a pitch but it's quite difficult when all eyes are watching, I leave the pitching to my husband and the mover. My husband likes the comments from the guys on the sites when they see the wife doing the towing.

We also have great night's sleep in our caravan, the bed in the front of our Bailey Olympus 525 is huge when its made up and we love being able to sleep right beneath a window to breathe in lovely fresh air.

Had our caravan for two years and feel that it's not been used enough so we're starting to use it for weekend breaks so we're not waiting for the longer breaks away.


Mumstheword commented on 29/02/2012 21:07

Commented on 29/02/2012 21:07

My husband was also a reluctant convert - we had a tent and though comfortable and spacious - most of our friends had caravans.  Last summer after a great holiday - we in our tent and the others in their caravans - we had to pack up in awful weather!!  On our return we spoke about the possibility of upgrading to a caravan.  I did a lot of research - joined the caravan club and got invaluable information about towing weights etc before we finally decided which caravan to buy.

Have already had a couple of breaks. My husband has also completed the caravan course run by the club - and we have also booked for our summer holiday with our friends in France. It's opened up so many possiblities - it's great!!

dorisyorks commented on 01/03/2012 14:03

Commented on 01/03/2012 14:03

Having been given tickets to the lawns show my husband was persuaded to go for "a nosey" after stating that he thought caravaner's were "sad'o's" during several tours of the various displays stating that he was "only looking" and was "not buying one today" we then went on to our local dealer after leaving the show. We came away the proud owners of a Bailey Discovery 200! Needless to say we became totally addicted to caravan life, not put off by the weather we more than got our monies worth out of our first van, we have since upgraded to a fixed bed Lunar Quasar 534 and have already got three trips planned and booked for 2012.Guess we have become a pair of "sad'o's"

dorisyorks commented on 01/03/2012 14:06

Commented on 01/03/2012 14:06

Having been given tickets to the lawns show my husband was persuaded to go for "a nosey" after stating that he thought caravaner's were "sad'o's" during several tours of the various displays stating that he was "only looking" and was "not buying one today" we then went on to our local dealer after leaving the show. We came away the proud owners of a Bailey Discovery 200! Needless to say we became totally addicted to caravan life, not put off by the weather we more than got our monies worth out of our first van, we have since upgraded to a fixed bed Lunar Quasar 534 and have already got three trips planned and booked for 2012.Guess we have become a pair of "sad'o's"

cowboy commented on 01/03/2012 20:46

Commented on 01/03/2012 20:46

I started by accident - bought my 1988 fiat ducato as a diy renovation project last year - tried a couple of weeks in september - HOOKED, I've taken early retirement and now virtually live in her. I've thought about upgrading but after all the blood, sweat & tears I can't bear to part with MY motorHOME. Shame about the 25 year old rule being changed for road tax - that would have financed my tour of the souTh west.Any other owners of vintage models still touring?

TUNNO1 commented on 03/03/2012 16:45

Commented on 03/03/2012 16:45

gr8 story! we are new to caravanning and lookin fwd to going to some nice places and breathing in some lovely sea air lol!. I keep saying i'm going to have a go at towing but when it comes to it I think i will back out and leave it to the hubby oh well we need to get used to it first then I will be reporting back to u all.

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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