New beginnings

This story happened on: 25/01/2012

" I am not sure if I`d like to go a caravan holiday" words uttered by my husband when I first suggested a caravan holiday.

We were given the opportunity to borrow my fathers caravan for a weekend to give it a try for the benefit of my husband- as I had grown up caravaning and but had been out of the loop for a long time.

We had recently bought 2 lovely puppies and this type of holiday would be perfect for us.

First night away my husband the following morning proclaimed the best nights sleep he had ever ever had ! I was shocked -I expected complaints but no-he had been converted.

On our return we decided it was the best time we had had and we wanted more!!

Two years ago we took the plunge and bought our first caravan and she is great-we go away most weekends and have already a list of our favourite sites and our wishlist of sites for the months to come !

I also tow the caravan all the time -something I never thought I would have the confidence to do and my husband is my TOMTOM-roll on the start of the weekends away

peterk1956 commented on 30/04/2012 12:50

Commented on 30/04/2012 12:50

First got used to holiday with my first wife in a tent and eventually worked up to a caravan,then when the marriage ended I met my second wife who's ex husband was a caravanner.Bliss...we bought a caravan and since then have worked up to our third van,we love it and this coming Christmas I am taking V.R  then we intend to try a new's called europe and all the time in the world to enjoy our van.


contrarycat commented on 22/05/2012 00:37

Commented on 22/05/2012 00:37

This year hubby and I decided to "make better use of our caravan". He is semi retired now and we have time. My 2 little yorkie terriers love our jaunts round about. We are just about to go on our first big holiday and another big one is already booked for September. Sadly we have to leave our two cats out of our hols. Unless anyone knows how to take the cats with us too!!

patchwork commented on 02/06/2012 12:58

Commented on 02/06/2012 12:58

I am another newbie to caravanning.  My husband & I used to B&B for our holidays, moving on each day to see as much as possible. Sadly, he died 2 years ago, and I have not been away, didn't fancy B&B on my own.  My solution was my first caravan, an Avondale Dart, at the age of 67!   After a short stay on a site local to the dealer, to get used to the set-up and make sure that everything worked OK, I towed it home 30 miles up the M1, so that was an experience in itself, but not at all as bad as I thought it would be.  I am off on my first trip next week to Bury St Edmunds, and like someone else said, a bit nervous about making a fool of myself when unhitching etc.  I also have a motor mover, and I can already say that it is a godsend.  I am eagerly looking to see where to go next.  Wish me luck

dreamer1 commented on 13/06/2012 15:42

Commented on 13/06/2012 15:42

I dont want to sound sexist but ladies please leave the towing to the men . Ive just watched a woman trying to reverse FROM a parking space not into one and it was quite bewildering.

Skye2010 commented on 13/06/2012 15:55

Commented on 13/06/2012 15:55

I definitely disagree with the last statement.  I tow all the time and I am female.  I have been on the caravanning course and have caravanned most of my life.  Please do not make sweeping generalisations - I have seen men making just as much, if not more, of a mess of things than women. 

nanniesue commented on 24/08/2012 19:16

Commented on 24/08/2012 19:16

I also tow my bailey caravan is comical as the looks we get from other motorists when they see little old me behind the wheel and my husband 6ft plus and ???stone in the passenger seat! who says a woman cant tow a caravan!!!

Medsec commented on 30/08/2012 22:58

Commented on 30/08/2012 22:58

Oh, how I envy you ladies who tow.  I am such a woos and the thought of driving on the motorway just terrifies me and so that precludes me from towing the van.  I keep thinking about it and then I get too worried.  I don't know why it scares me, but it does.  We have a big Landrover Discovery which I love to drive but the thought of towing just gives me the jitters.  Well done all you ladies. Keep on towing I say

love caravaning commented on 28/09/2012 18:34

Commented on 28/09/2012 18:34

My wife is a excellent driver, and in the past has towed caravans we previously owned, but now theres just the two of us caravanning she leaves it to me. I have asked her to take over the wheel while towing but to no avail hopefully one day she will .so i can relax before getting on site and putting up the awning sheer bliss


Pam and Pete commented on 08/10/2012 15:04

Commented on 08/10/2012 15:04

My wife does not tow. But she is an excelent navigator, and when we arrive on site (and are preparing to hook up to leave) I trust her manouverig instructions  She knows just when to being turning or staighten up and can guide me to withing 2cm (!/2 inch) of the tow hook.

I cannot see where the front or rear bumpers are & when parking close to a wall will stop me within 1 inch (25mm)

Well after 40 years of caravanning and 50 years of wedded bliss camping and as husband & Wife; I suppose that you learn how to do things together

crusader commented on 13/01/2013 23:10

Commented on 13/01/2013 23:10

I also sleep well in the caravan. Sometimes with the change in air too well. :)

I normally sleep 6.5 to 7 hours (ideally 7 hours). When we went to Southport for 10 days last Christmas on the first day I slept for 2 hours after tea - not something I would normally do. I then went to bed about 10.30 and woke up about 8am. 11.5 hours sleep. Next day 9.5 hourd and 3rd day 8 hourd. By the 4th day back to my normal 7 hours. 

The same thing happens in the Highlands and a few other areas.


Well I didnt see you there were you in disguise ? rain it did, windy it was, caught the flu we did ! Laughing

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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