Booked in at Sandringham for 9 days but left after 4.
The good points.
Toilet blocks although old were excellent.
Warden’s we’re very good and ready to help.
Excellent dog walk .
The bad points.
In 2022 communication is essential for most people.
Wi-Fi at £30 that doesn’t work ( couldn’t even send an email) is pathetic and one device at a time. Once your logged in it’s difficult to log out.
No mobile signal.
As I’m still working it’s essential I can keep in contact with my job.
I did speak to a few people on site who said they wouldn’t be back till communication was improved.
We moved to an affiliated site £7 per night cheaper than Sandringham and free Wi-Fi for 2 devices.
One more problem is if you intended putting up an awning be prepared for a lot of hard work fixing it down as the hardstanding was like iron.