A perfect site
This is my first visit to the extended Southport site.
I was very impressed, site is well kept and well run by the wardens.
Facilities were super clean.
A great idea, the extra long grass in the larger grassed areas discourages on site ball games but there is a park 200m away!
Great dog walks in the park which has a boating lake , a miniature railway ( Sundays), a model car racing circuit, a playground , even a croquet lawn!
And Southport is just a 10 minute walk away.
Mobile signal excellent, Satellite friendly, especially the new part of the site.
We were there for the famous Southport air show, site and town were very busy as one might expect.
We ate twice at the Imperial Hotel on the Preston Road on way out of town but can also recommend the Fishermens rest which is within walking distance on Weld Road.
Good train service for days out in Liverpool
All in all , a perfect site!