Filthy showers
Reviewed on 14/04/2018 21:50
Reviewed on 14/04/2018 21:50
Posted on 14/04/2018 22:05
Yes and not just CC sites.
These last 14 days I have moved as Miss revolted of Sussex from one campsite loo block to another mumbling "filthy bloody people"..
It doesn't take much to leave a toilet / shower / sink clean for the next person but sadly respect seems to be a byegon word.
Posted on 28/04/2018 16:45
Absolutely disgusting how some people leave showers, I must say its not often club sites you see this, more expensive commercial sites, the culprits probably won't read any of this, as if they haven't the time to take a couple of minutes cleaning the showers they won't have time for this. MY MOTTO LEAVE AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO FIND.