First time at incleboro
We thought the site was in a fantastic location but it did feel like two separate sites. We came to meet up with friends but they arrived a few days before us and pitched on the first half of the site. We arrived but that side was full so we ended up on the opposite side of the golf course, we had no trouble with the phone signal thankfully so we could make arrangements to meet up. The other thing we found was that the fish & chip van parked near reception which meant we had to use the car or face a cold dinner walking back to our caravan but there isn’t a car park so we didn’t end up bothering. Like others have said we had a nightmare levelling the caravan. We were pitched opposite the Kettlestone shower block and couldn’t work out what the continual banging was, after a while we realised the ladies door didn’t actually fit so it couldn’t close and just hit the wooden door frame as people went in and out which was annoying especially during the night. We found that people now drive to the toilet blocks with their rubbish now that there aren’t any bins by the water stations which isn’t helping with the new environmental idea behind having them at the toilet blocks. To top it off a lady tied her dog outside the block while she showered at 6.11am leaving it to whimper and bark - definitely not the dogs fault !
We came away not discouraged and have bought better levelling equipment and now we know the site layout we hope to get a better pitch should we return