Wonderful helpful and very hardworking wardens
We stayed at Cheddar in August and the site was full over the Bank Holiday but the wardens were cheerful and never seemed to stop. There were just the two of them but the toilet block was spotless, the rubbish cleared, the grass cut and invading trees and bushes kept under control. Problems on the pitches were sorted out as soon as they were reported. They were cheerful whenever we saw them. Their life must have been made harder in the past by campers from another site next door who would use their well appointed toilet block facilities. A keypad has been fitted to the toilet block doors to make sure that these are reserved for this site's residents. We have seen these at other club sites near parks etc used by the public. This keypad caused me serious problems as I have a weakness in both hands but the wardens solved the problem for me as soon as they realized. They could not have been more helpful or understanding.
Mention has been made of the noise from the football ground next door. It is not all the time and only for a short time. Booking into Cheddar, you are not expecting a wildlife retreat. The site is easy walking distance into Cheddar itself and this is more than compensation for the occasional noise of a football game. The wardens have even printed off a notice showing how to walk into Cheddar without having to use the main road.
I have only one poor comment to make. The sign on the road for the camp site is among other signs for the Football Club and is easily missed, as we found when a lorry stopped by the traffic was in the road in front of it as we passed by. The directions given in the book are good but if you cannot see the sign, you end up going down the road and turning off as soon as you realize. My husband was faced with a 3 point turn with a caravan in tow. (He managed it but I am glad we had no children in the car to hear what he thought of my navigating !!!)
I realize that signage is always difficult but even if the lorry had not been obscuring the sign, the traffic was always so bad at that point that it would have been difficult to see the sign whilst concentrating on the road. Could not a bigger, more obvious sign be placed there?
Reviewed on 17/10/2017 16:26