Rated 4 of 5

Rated 5 of 5

Peace and quiet

Rated 5 of 5

Facilities and cleanliness

Rated 5 of 5


Rated 5 of 5

Good for families

Short but definitely sweet!

Our favourite site and one we have been to several times before. Being circa 4 hours away usually we book for 2 weeks but this time was just a 4 nighter to facilitate a visit to Christmas at Chatsworth garden trail which didn’t disappoint. Being owners of a lively springer spaniel and walkers by disposition, the site is perfect. Arrive, set up and then no need to start up an engine again. Well unless you want to stock up with some goodies to take back with you from the farm shop! The only downside, we had to leave so soon. We’ll be back before too long I’m sure…..

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