3 replies
GrandpaGraham replied on 08/10/2017 09:52
Posted on 08/10/2017 09:52
This is the view of a typical selfish member who thinks that arrival rules apply to everyone apart from himself. If arriving from the M1 there are numerous laybys to full into along with at least two more between Chesterfield and Barlow. It is not the wardens fault that members constantly break the rules with regards to arrival times . Why is there an obsession to try and be the first onsite when after all a booking has been made and therefore a pitch is guaranteed. The club is for all members not just selfish ones like Yorkshire dogwalker. All in all the wardens at Chatworth do an excellent job and I sympathise with them in having to receive these negative comments perhaps YorkshireDogwalker would like to be a warden for a week to see what it is like !!!
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Navigateur replied on 08/10/2017 11:54
replied on 08/10/2017 13:10
Posted on 08/10/2017 13:10
Given the understandable difficulty in parking a 8.5 metre 4.5 ton Motorhome maybe the reviewer should consider a little more forethought on their own behalf to avoid the problem. Yes, although he/she might wish to put the problem in somebody else's lap (wouldn't we all) the problem is the reviewers and he might be advised for aim for a later arrival time. Personally I would not have been more than 10 minutes early through miscalculation and would have indulged in a 10 minute tour before arriving back at the entrance.
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