OK but a few issues.
Review of pitch 43. No mention at check in of the procedure for connecting EHU to site. After 4 hours when everything in the freezer had defrosted and cold drinks were warm i complained about no power. The helpful warden explained the instructions were on a label on the EHU post but on checking there was no label. The top switch needs flicking up. (Shows red when flicked up and green when tripped out ?) Why not tell everyone at check in ? The hard standing was actually loose ballast causing the jockey wheel to sink in when manouvering by hand. Pitches need a heavy roller running over them to alleviate the problem. Impossible to log in to club WiFi, a paid for service, as no network was available. Standing under the relay mast by the waste disposal had a 100% signal but walking back to the pitch the connection dropped out. Another helpful warden came and checked and acknowledged the problem but couldn't resolve the issue as the internet providers are a third party. This issue for the same pitch has previously been reviewed by another member. Other than these niggles the stay was enjoyable. As expected, the new facilities were spotless and plentiful. Other visitors were amicable and children seemed happy wizzing around on push bikes and scooters.