A bad start didn't end up getting much better!
Very unfortunately the GPS coordinate given for this site isn’t correct and it resulted in us first of all going to the very poor and minute CL which is quite literally only a few yards away up the road!
The correct coordinates are 53.31630 –4.26460, please note I have duly advised the Club about.
As for this site and the reason why I only give it a low star mark is for the simple reason that this is in effect 3 sites all in one, sharing the very same toilet and shower (which we didn’t use).
On entering the site from the road, immediately to both your left and right are several pitches which were all occupied by touring outfits, then you drive through what is a quite large rally field which doubles as a dog walk and then you finally drive into a smaller paddock area that is the CL field which is very slightly sloping and in itself is OK, but as for the views, even in periods of excellent visibility, yes you can see the mountains way off in the distance, but it is hardly spectacular!
And then there is the very long walk to the foul waste disposal point which at almost 100 mtrs. is far too far away and heaven knows what it would be like if there was a full rally field as well.
The worst experience I had was that the owners had suddenly decided to increase their charges to £15 per night and had not advised me that they were doing so when I had made the booking only a few days before our visit. Needless to say I only paid the rate that was in existence when I had made my booking!
Very poor for walking dogs from the site.
The only good point I can make about the site is that there is an excellent Indian Restaurant only a relatively short walk away.