2 replies
Tinwheeler replied on 01/10/2019 16:40
Posted on 01/10/2019 16:40
It’s up to the CL owner as to whether dogs are permitted or how many are allowed. It’s not within the remit of the club, or the exemption arrangements, to stipulate rules regarding dogs, commercial vehicles, children or many other things concerning users of the site, other than they must be club members.
Did you not ask your fellow campers if they'd mind trying to keep their dogs quiet?
replied on 01/10/2019 17:55
Posted on 01/10/2019 17:55
Hi, Thank you for the reply as there are always different points of view. What I think you have overlooked is the fact that tethered dogs will bark at passing dogs and even if the owners come out of their caravan to quieten them, which they did on several occasions so they were aware of the noise being made. My point is you have listened to the barking for some 15-20 seconds before they are made quiet so your point of asking them to keep the dogs quiet was not going to help. When this occurs several times to me it becomes a nuisance and the peace and tranquility that that this site had been praised for on this occasion was taken away. The point I was trying to make is having paid our fees should our holiday be spoilt by dog owners who know what their dogs are doing and yet chose to allow it at the inconvenience of fellow campers. This is the first time I have ever complained over a stay at the clubs sites, but on this occasion I feel it was justified.