Rated 4 of 5

Rated 5 of 5

Peace and tranquility

Rated 3 of 5

Access to local places of interest

Rated 4 of 5

Beauty of surroundings and scenery

Rated 5 of 5

Ease of arrival/welcome

A peaceful retreat

Our first visit to Riverside and hopefully not our last. Very quiet and peaceful with an owner who was friendly and pleasant but not obtrusive. Weather during our stay was excellent for mid September which definitely helped! Good local walks but car required to visit the high fells. Our only point of concern is that the site has 2 areas - the CL and a small separate touring area for anyone - the Millrace. These sites are not treated as 2 separate entities and on a few occasions we were unable to use the facilities on the CL as people staying on the Millrace came on to the CL to use them. Also all traffic using the Millrace had to go through the CL which caused a bit more noise at times. This did not cause any major problems but it was difficult to see the advantages of being a CC member - we would have preferred to stay on a separate CL with exclusive use of its own facilities. However, these comments should not detract from the fact that this was one of the most peaceful sites we have ever stayed on and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay.
Caravanner from Lincolnshire

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