One step away from derelict
An excellent site to avoid! Was probably ok in it's heyday (about 20 years ago) but now basically derelict and has the appearance of being run as a side-issue. As previously noted, the one attraction - the pond is a dried-up rubbish tip and the sea can just be seen if you stand on a wall. All the farm buildings adjacent the parking spaces (old worn-out gravel surfaces, full of holes and totally weeded) appear as crumbling asbestos sheds. The toilet offered was a disgrace and totally unusable and the chemical-disposal was by lifting a drain cover via a piece of twisted wire and pouring all down directly into a sewer. If there was another site near Hartlepool, I'm sure this one would be removed from the book. A CaMC inspection is seriously in need here.
Response from the Club:
Many thanks for leaving a review and we are sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay on site. The CL owners have been in touch as they were concerned to read your comments as they try and ensure everyone has a wonderful time when staying on their site. They have advised that they take great pride in the appearance of the CL Site, as they do their working farm. They are a family run business with 3 generations now working together. They have invested time in the gardens, planting spring and summer bulbs and regularly maintain the site and there are also many lovely countryside walks from the site. The site is not listed as having a WC and the toilet block is not part of the CL site and not intended for use by guests. There’s no rubbish in the pond however there are nest boxes for ducks and waters hens as the owners try to encourage wildlife and nature onto their farm and CL Site. We hope this clear up any confusion and misunderstanding. The CL owners hope to greet many other people to their lovely site over the summer and continue to welcome members of the Club to enjoy their time with them.
Frank Ellis
Reviewed on 23/04/2018 11:58