True CL
Booked at this CL at last minute. All other local sites full, but they had mains power... Found we were only people in CL, or indeed in sight.
Enjoyed watching the sheep. And occasional rabbits.
Grand daughter loved it. The owner was very kind to us all and showed us around the small farm. Our grand daughter knows the names of the dog and the sheep. She liked the geese and chickens too.
The owner could not have been kinder or more generous.
Toilet well maintained and clean. Recycling neat and tidy.
This is a basic CL for those of us who love peace and beauty. Owner has a bench there to come and sit and enjoy the view.
Being midway between Cornwall coasts meant we could easily get to both for days out.
Local pub has good food and is friendly.
The local church hall lunch on Thursdays is not to be missed. They even get coaches...
Local church was used for Doc Martin wedding. Lovely old place of worship.
And the CL price! Enjoy!