Outstanding natural beauty
Our first visit to this area of outstanding natural beauty. I could wax lyrical about the walks on Arnside Knot(?), the Crag and Leighton Moss bird reserve, which were our reasons for visiting the area, but the site at Cotestones farm completed the three night break. Being October half-term, we expected to share the site but we were on our own! However, if there had been four other outfits, there would have been plenty of space. This may have put undue strain on the toilet and shower facilities though. Talking of these, the short walk through the orchard was refreshing to the feet, particularly after the dew fell - quite long grass and no trodden ways! Fortunately it had been dry and the field was firm enough, but there was evidence that other outfits had struggled getting on and off the site. Being a working farm, there also may be an issue with midges and mosquitoes but we managed to keep them at bay. It seemed a quiet site apart from the constant background noise of the M6 and the occasional train on the nearby track, but Sunday brought traffic on the lane that went past the site on its way to and from the Stock Car racing, and a great deal of noise. A fairly decent pub about half an hour's walk away and a warm welcome when we visited the church. Also a friendly reception from Helen and Paul.