Unable to access CT website

Wherenext replied on 03/06/2023 11:37

Posted on 03/06/2023 11:37

For about 8 hours I was unable to open the club website at all yesterday, on various machines and phones. This from mid afternoon until finally opening it up just gone 10 pm

I notice that other members made posts during that time. Did anyone else experience this "lockout"?

All machines able to access it today and I had no problems at all with other sites or internet connection.

DavidKlyne replied on 04/06/2023 21:49

Posted on 04/06/2023 15:15 by nelliethehooker

David, your are always coming up with excuses why the "club's" web site, and in particular CT, has not functioned, and being a Moderator you feel you should be doing this, but even you must realise the the website is becoming a joke and is hardly fit for purpose. But they at EG will carry on regardless of all the complaints made about it...talk about ostriches!!

Posted on 04/06/2023 21:49


I don't think I do make excuses, I try to offer explanations for what might have gone wrong. I think people that know about such things would accept that what happened the other evening was a server issue which, because they out source such things, the Club would have no direct control over. This has happened before but it is fairly rare.  The workings of CT might not be as smooth as some other forums but I reckon that my personal experience is that probably about 95% of the time I find it runs perfectly well for me. 


EmilysDad replied on 04/06/2023 22:04

Posted on 04/06/2023 21:49 by DavidKlyne


I don't think I do make excuses, I try to offer explanations for what might have gone wrong. I think people that know about such things would accept that what happened the other evening was a server issue which, because they out source such things, the Club would have no direct control over. This has happened before but it is fairly rare.  The workings of CT might not be as smooth as some other forums but I reckon that my personal experience is that probably about 95% of the time I find it runs perfectly well for me. 


Posted on 04/06/2023 22:04

but 100% of the time, the site is stupidly slow

ABM replied on 05/06/2023 18:31

Posted on 05/06/2023 18:31

Nooo, wrong there EmilysDad !!  laughingwink

Its only Stupidly slow for 75% of the time  --  For the rest its Totally Inaccessible  yell

young thomas replied on 06/06/2023 12:41

Posted on 04/06/2023 21:49 by DavidKlyne


I don't think I do make excuses, I try to offer explanations for what might have gone wrong. I think people that know about such things would accept that what happened the other evening was a server issue which, because they out source such things, the Club would have no direct control over. This has happened before but it is fairly rare.  The workings of CT might not be as smooth as some other forums but I reckon that my personal experience is that probably about 95% of the time I find it runs perfectly well for me. 


Posted on 06/06/2023 12:41

David, I'm sorry but companies DO have control (including control of the purse strings) for the service meted out to their customers by third parties.

having managed many a third party contract I can guarantee there will be a hotline from the customer service manager to the provider service manager and if things aren't going to the service agreement (too many outages, site too slow etc) someone will (should) be getting it in the ear.

as others have said, I've never come across a website like this one for (total lack of) performance....in this day and age I'd say it wasn't good enough by a long way.

umpteen years later and it's still the worst site I've ever used...

With respect, the only one who can give us (the customers) a valid reason for an outage would be the CAMC service manager who should be posting meaningful banner pages with an explanation....it shouldn't be you, nor should you try to 'explain' without proper first hand information....🤷🏻‍♂️

brue replied on 07/06/2023 07:48

Posted on 07/06/2023 07:48

A continuous band of server errors rather like a bad weather forecast has put a dampner on the web site. ☔️🌧

Bakers2 replied on 07/06/2023 08:04

Posted on 07/06/2023 08:04

Back to the 'old original' server error......

The other one, which said Caravan Club to slow to respond, was at least a change 😉.

I've given up trying to fathom this website, but it amazes me that if threads are open, they refresh 🤞without the errors most of the time, even when other methods of access get the error message. It seems to me, completely ignorant of such matters!, that DavidKlyne's comment re a third party can't be the case ?????????

DavidKlyne replied on 07/06/2023 15:05

Posted on 07/06/2023 15:05


I am becoming reluctant to offer any explanations for obvious reasons! However you do have to distinguish in general terms between not being able to get onto a website at all , like the situation we had the other day which indicates a breakdown in access to the main servers and internal website problems like not being able to access a particular page in say a discussion. I appreciate that both are annoying. 


SteveL replied on 16/06/2023 13:55

Posted on 16/06/2023 13:55

Not noticed anything new. However, it went down between 6 and 8pm yesterday. For them to take it down at that time I would assume they had a serious problem.
I wonder if they have got their automatic payment system working again, when we arrived at Cromer recently it wasn’t working and apparently hadn’t been for a few days.

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