Discussion Forum or Information Provision?

crissy replied on 23/11/2016 19:22

Posted on 23/11/2016 19:22

A discussion I've recently started, along with several others,  has today been closed.

The reason given is that there were apparently too many similar threads. (Taking dogs abroad)

The implication appeared to be that people only look on the forum for information, not to actually discuss their concerns.

My opinion is that  people log onto a forum not only to ask questions and receive answers but also to actually discuss these answers and give opinions, ask for/provide reassurance etc.

We all know there are books, web pages, information sheets but sometimes you actually want to discuss something, with people who may have experience and knowledge you lack.

This is why each year there are recurring topics. Does this matter?  We're all human. We want to be involved in a discussion not just read ones which have already taken place.

Am I getting it wrong? Are discussion forums not for discussion?

eurortraveller replied on 24/11/2016 08:56

Posted on 24/11/2016 08:56

I have just got up, saw the heading and thought this thread might be interesting, but no such luck....it's dogs again. Back to bed.

crissy replied on 24/11/2016 10:13

Posted on 24/11/2016 10:13

Euro. The topic is irrelevant. I started the topic because there seems to be an attitude that unless you want inane chat, is "What are you doing today", actual discussion and swapping of ideas is frowned on. 

I'm not criticising inane chat, just saying there's room for both. And also saying there are times when searching the internet for facts is not what it's wanted. It so happened I originally wanted to discuss a topic with others with experience. Unfortunately those with no interest in that topic can't cope with that.

I'm bored with technical discussion on 13 pin plugs. But I wouldn't dream of criticising those for whom this is an important factor in their life. It might be in mine one day.

SteveL replied on 24/11/2016 10:27

Posted on 24/11/2016 10:27

Agree with you Chrissy, and I don't see what's wrong with starting a new thread if you have a question you want answered. some threads get so long they go round In circles and it's hard to pick out the facts. It is also difficiult to decide where to put things sometimes - e.g. I started a thread in 'general chat' recently and it got moved to 'entertainment', I'd already debated whether it should have been in 'trivia'!

just had another thought, is it my imagination or do 'blank pages' seem to appear more frequently in longer threads? Sorry a bit off topic

brue replied on 24/11/2016 10:53

Posted on 24/11/2016 10:53

I don't think Your Pets in the Social Room implies it's full of inane chat. There are all sorts of topics in there and people are helpful responding to questions.You can have a serious discussion on a subject, no-one frowns at new topics where help or advice is needed. Apart from that the forum has expanded gradually and that means changes to some areas.

replied on 25/11/2016 09:46

Posted on 25/11/2016 09:46

Looking at the comments on the opening screen for 'Discussions' it says, "The discussions section is a great way to interact with other members in the caravan community. It's the place to discuss news, share experiences, voice your opinions or ask for some advice." Looks like the Mods might have got it wrong in Crissy's case so I'd suggest she contacts them and explores how her post can be reframed to standalone.

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