Discussion Forum or Information Provision?

crissy replied on 23/11/2016 19:22

Posted on 23/11/2016 19:22

A discussion I've recently started, along with several others,  has today been closed.

The reason given is that there were apparently too many similar threads. (Taking dogs abroad)

The implication appeared to be that people only look on the forum for information, not to actually discuss their concerns.

My opinion is that  people log onto a forum not only to ask questions and receive answers but also to actually discuss these answers and give opinions, ask for/provide reassurance etc.

We all know there are books, web pages, information sheets but sometimes you actually want to discuss something, with people who may have experience and knowledge you lack.

This is why each year there are recurring topics. Does this matter?  We're all human. We want to be involved in a discussion not just read ones which have already taken place.

Am I getting it wrong? Are discussion forums not for discussion?

ValDa replied on 23/11/2016 20:48

Posted on 23/11/2016 20:48

Crissy - one of the old threads (which concerns Overseas travel) is continuing (open) in the Talk about your Pets section 

Taking your dog on buses in Spain

Why not ask if the threads that were opened and then closed in the Overseas section can be re-opened and moved into that section, rather than having a separate sticky in the Overseas section .  Stickies may run to hundreds of pages, all of which have to be read to find an answer.   At least in the Pets section it appears that you can ask questions and receive appropriate and informative answers.

I rather have a feeling that in earlier days it was decided that all questions relating to dogs travelling overseas should be posted in the overseas section - now it appears to have gone in a reverse direction!!!

redface replied on 23/11/2016 23:05

Posted on 23/11/2016 23:05

Actually, Crissy is not wrong in so far that I have, on previous occasions, asked a question seeking general feelings, answers, on a broad front  of opinion only to see  the thread dumped in a narrow banded section and no relevant answers forthcoming.

I sympathise fully.

crissy replied on 23/11/2016 23:12

Posted on 23/11/2016 23:12

Thanks for that Valda. Talking about pets really does have connotations of chatting about pets , not caravanning abroad to me. 


If I was searching for information on taking pets abroad that's the last place I'd look! 

cyberyacht replied on 24/11/2016 05:40

Posted on 24/11/2016 05:40

If the existing "Pets" section is considered 'casual chat', then a section "Travelling with Pets" could accomodate debate about issue both in the UK and abroad. 

Keeping al such 'doggie' matters in one place does prevent the forum becoming an extension of the Kennel Club. Whilst it sometimes appears that ownership of a dog is a condition of membership, there are those who don't like dogs.

Oneputt replied on 24/11/2016 07:37

Posted on 24/11/2016 07:37

Although not brilliant I would use the search facility to look for dog/pets threads on CT I wouldn't try to trawl through 4 years of threads in caravanning abroad.  For info search for dogs came up with 3900 hits and took 3 seconds to list

Metheven replied on 24/11/2016 08:47

Posted on 24/11/2016 08:47

What a lot of barking about nothing, I don't care where it is as my research is done via search engines and official websites. In various places on this forum there is good advice, but it's not a problem weaning it out even for the irregular user. So what if it's been answered before, just ask it again for an updated answer and click on 'follow this discussion' as it eventually disappears into oblivion.

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