Life on the road

replied on 22/11/2020 08:34

Posted on 22/11/2020 08:34

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Takethedogalong replied on 22/11/2020 10:27

Posted on 22/11/2020 10:27

Enjoyed this read AD. It can take a huge life event to sometimes jolt you out of a run of the mill existence, and it seems to be working for these two. Hope they both stay well enough to continue. They have given some of that hope to another little creature as well, and her family.      👏👏

replied on 22/11/2020 10:35

Posted on 22/11/2020 10:26 by brue

I noticed it too David, it's worth a read with a twist in the "tale" at the end. smile 🐕

Posted on 22/11/2020 10:35

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brue replied on 22/11/2020 10:47

Posted on 22/11/2020 10:47

Sometimes these "on the road" stories can sound very similar but they seem to have sussed out a good way to do it. I looked at the scenery surrounding the washing too, very nice! I wonder how they've coped during Covid.

We have friends who house sit occasionally, it's a good way to see other places and a motorhome must add to the freedom.

DavidKlyne replied on 22/11/2020 11:57

Posted on 22/11/2020 11:57

Funnily enough it's not the first time the BBC has featured such couples. A few months back there was a story of a couple who converted a van to tour in. I wonder if someone on the editorial team has an interest? There are quite a few videos on YouTube of people who have done similar things when they are younger. From some of the blogs I have read it seems quite a few, as is the case here, have a backstory which gives them the final push. Who is to judge whether it is courageous or foolhardy? I don't suppose it's a lifetime pursuit as pointed out in this Vlog


Rufs replied on 22/11/2020 12:00

Posted on 22/11/2020 10:35 by

Yes I noticed that. They must be doing a lot of wild camping,  even if allowed most sites will be too expensive for 5 .

BTW I think I recognised the site as being in Slovenia where they had the washing hanging. 

Posted on 22/11/2020 12:00

Dont think they are without a bob or two

"This was the inspiration for what became a series of children's books written by the couple, to add to several travel books Dan has authored."

Is it all for real or was some of it just a very nice story ???? 

And what about the weight of the MH? 5 dogs, 2 bikes and all that they owned in just one relatively small MH ???

But good luck to them if "this is living the dream"

replied on 22/11/2020 14:02

Posted on 22/11/2020 12:00 by Rufs

Dont think they are without a bob or two

"This was the inspiration for what became a series of children's books written by the couple, to add to several travel books Dan has authored."

Is it all for real or was some of it just a very nice story ???? 

And what about the weight of the MH? 5 dogs, 2 bikes and all that they owned in just one relatively small MH ???

But good luck to them if "this is living the dream"

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:02

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Rufs replied on 22/11/2020 14:16

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:02 by

What reason have you to doubt the honesty of the article?  

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:16

I didnt say anything about doubting the honesty of the article , what i said was

"Is it all for real or was some of it just a very nice story ???? "

and as alluded to by others, this is not the first time the Beeb has run such stories, and there are quite a few on You Tube, and as i said

"But good luck to them if "this is living the dream"

Maybe it is all true, or was it made to look like "living the dream" by the BBC , maybe they used it as a tool to market the books they obviously produce in great quantities?. undecided

Did you not cast some doubt as to what they were doing was possible

"They must be doing a lot of wild camping, even if allowed most sites will be too expensive for 5"


DavidKlyne replied on 22/11/2020 14:16

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:11 by EmilysDad

 I wish this b****** site would automatically open a link in a new window/tab!!! 😣

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:16

I have changed it now but agree that it can be annoying. I normally check links as they are added but as I had seen this story previously I missed this one. It is quite simple for posters to just select open link in new page?

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