Best reads - Club Together Book Club?

RowenaBCAMC replied on 03/01/2014 12:47

Posted on 03/01/2014 12:47

I'm just about coming to the end of Deborah Moggach’s book, Heartbreak Hotel. I found it a very enjoyable read and very amusing. But what should I read next? Any recommendations? 

I also wondered if anyone would be interested in a Club Together book club? According to a member survey earlier last year, reading is the most recurring leisure activity whilst caravanning. I know I’m a book worm and I’m sure there’s a few of us out there who enjoy a good read. Anyone interested or any suggestions? 

nelliethehooker replied on 12/09/2023 19:20

Posted on 12/09/2023 14:22 by Wherenext

Michael Connelly's The 5th.Witness is on offer at £0.99 on Amazon at present. But limited time offer.

Posted on 12/09/2023 19:20

I was just about to post that too, WN, as I didn't know if you had spotted it. It is the 4th in the Mickey Haller (The Lincoln Lawyer) series.

nelliethehooker replied on 20/11/2023 21:10

Posted on 20/11/2023 21:10

Just a heads up for anyone who likes a good detective novel, the first of T G Reid's DCI Bone series, Dark is the Grave, is free on kindle at the moment, but not for long, so hurry!!

richardandros replied on 30/11/2023 11:24

Posted on 20/11/2023 21:10 by nelliethehooker

Just a heads up for anyone who likes a good detective novel, the first of T G Reid's DCI Bone series, Dark is the Grave, is free on kindle at the moment, but not for long, so hurry!!

Posted on 30/11/2023 11:24

Thanks for that NTH - I'll have a look.  Don't know if it's been mentioned on here before - but have you read the DCI Harry Grimm series by David Gatward?  Set in Hawes and the surrounding Dales with lots of lovely detail about the area - it's full of humour (most of it dark!) and so typical of what policing used to be like.  The only thing I can't get my head round is that there is no way would a DCI be in charge of such a small team of PCs, PCSOs, a DS and a couple of DIs in a place as small as Hawes - but, hey ho, the stories are greatsmile Just got the latest novel on Kindle Unlimited - so that's the series of 17 I will have got through!

DavidKlyne replied on 30/11/2023 21:23

Posted on 30/11/2023 21:23

As I have mentioned before I don't read much in the way of fiction and call me shallow if you like but I have rather enjoy Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club books. I have just finished his latest, book four, in the Murder Club series The Last Devil to Die. For those that don't know the "Murder Club" consists of a group of, probably reasonably well off, pensioners, who live in one of those gated retirement villages with amenities. They come from all walks of life so have a wide ranging knowledge of things. Their hobby is solving crimes. It's all a bit implausible but quite entertaining and Richard Osman has a very easy style. The latest book is sad in some ways as it deals with dementia  which I suspect is ever present in such communities. They solve their crime, or should that be crimes and it sort of has a happyish ending. Apparently this will be the last of the Murder Club books for a while as he is changing tack for his next book although he says the Club will be back. 


nelliethehooker replied on 30/11/2023 21:25

Posted on 30/11/2023 11:24 by richardandros

Thanks for that NTH - I'll have a look.  Don't know if it's been mentioned on here before - but have you read the DCI Harry Grimm series by David Gatward?  Set in Hawes and the surrounding Dales with lots of lovely detail about the area - it's full of humour (most of it dark!) and so typical of what policing used to be like.  The only thing I can't get my head round is that there is no way would a DCI be in charge of such a small team of PCs, PCSOs, a DS and a couple of DIs in a place as small as Hawes - but, hey ho, the stories are greatsmile Just got the latest novel on Kindle Unlimited - so that's the series of 17 I will have got through!

Posted on 30/11/2023 21:25

Richard, the free offer has finished, but there is a collection of the first 3 books on Kindle for £1:79, so still a bargain price. Should you choose to sign up for his web site for updates etc you can also get a free short story, "What Lies Beneath".

I have not read any of the DCI Harry Grimm series, and as I am a cheap skate I will just have to keep my open for them should any be on offer at 99p!😆

richardandros replied on 01/12/2023 05:46

Posted on 30/11/2023 21:25 by nelliethehooker

Richard, the free offer has finished, but there is a collection of the first 3 books on Kindle for £1:79, so still a bargain price. Should you choose to sign up for his web site for updates etc you can also get a free short story, "What Lies Beneath".

I have not read any of the DCI Harry Grimm series, and as I am a cheap skate I will just have to keep my open for them should any be on offer at 99p!😆

Posted on 01/12/2023 05:46

Don't blame you being a cheapskate - I wouldn't pay £3.99 for them either.  Didn't realise that's how much they were until I just had another look - but that's where I'm quids in with Kindle Unlimitedsmile Bearing in mind I can get through at least two books a week - it more than pays for itself.

milliehull replied on 01/12/2023 07:34

Posted on 30/11/2023 21:23 by DavidKlyne

As I have mentioned before I don't read much in the way of fiction and call me shallow if you like but I have rather enjoy Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club books. I have just finished his latest, book four, in the Murder Club series The Last Devil to Die. For those that don't know the "Murder Club" consists of a group of, probably reasonably well off, pensioners, who live in one of those gated retirement villages with amenities. They come from all walks of life so have a wide ranging knowledge of things. Their hobby is solving crimes. It's all a bit implausible but quite entertaining and Richard Osman has a very easy style. The latest book is sad in some ways as it deals with dementia  which I suspect is ever present in such communities. They solve their crime, or should that be crimes and it sort of has a happyish ending. Apparently this will be the last of the Murder Club books for a while as he is changing tack for his next book although he says the Club will be back. 


Posted on 01/12/2023 07:34

I too love Richard Osman Thursday Murder Club books David. I think they are very well written and a good read. I have read all 4 of them and have now passed them on to my daughter who is also enjoying them. I look forward to seeing what his next book is about.

DavidKlyne replied on 01/12/2023 13:06

Posted on 01/12/2023 07:34 by milliehull

I too love Richard Osman Thursday Murder Club books David. I think they are very well written and a good read. I have read all 4 of them and have now passed them on to my daughter who is also enjoying them. I look forward to seeing what his next book is about.

Posted on 01/12/2023 13:06


Glad I am not alone. Even Margaret is not keen on them preferring a more gritty detective story. I think there was a bit of a clue about what might be next in the Acknowledgement section at the back of the book, whether that's him just joshing I don't know.


nelliethehooker replied on 01/12/2023 21:54

Posted on 01/12/2023 05:46 by richardandros

Don't blame you being a cheapskate - I wouldn't pay £3.99 for them either.  Didn't realise that's how much they were until I just had another look - but that's where I'm quids in with Kindle Unlimitedsmile Bearing in mind I can get through at least two books a week - it more than pays for itself.

Posted on 01/12/2023 21:54

Richard, I never seem to have time to get a single book read in a week, although I must admit that I am a slow reader. I also tend to go back and read the earlier ones in a series, and too I  have a few I like returning to at least once a year. 

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