What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Rufs replied on 22/01/2022 15:05

Posted on 22/01/2022 15:05

Yes bitterly cold week, but some glorious sunshine to boot, so dont mind that, and the economy must be picking up, seen at lot of these in the deep water channel in the Solent this week together with the paddle boarders, a sport which is def on the up in our parts.Had some very low tides this week so a lot of sand on the beach which is unusual for us, something to do with the full moon, or so i am told. 

Now got 1 full 4.5kg butane gas cylinder, so i can run the BBQ from this as standalone rather than using the onboard LPG, have 1 more empty 4.5kg butane which i hope to exchange for full next week and that will see us thru this year. 6kg cylinders are being sold for £90 on ebay buyer collect, have 2 almost full so no problems with them. surprised , hope to take caravan out late Feb early Mar so that we can give new pup a taste of what is going to be a new life for him for 3 months, but hopefully in a much warmer climate. Hats off to you NH, used to caravan in all weathers, but cant bring myself to do it anymore, getting soft in my dotage tongue-out 

Wherenext replied on 22/01/2022 19:23

Posted on 22/01/2022 19:23

Another long day but finally home. Seemed to have spent the last 5 days travelling in one form or other.

Got back in time to do our 48 hour post travel LFTs. Both negative.The "trip" went as well as one could hope for, except for a final glitch with the second hotel in Dinan where they've taken the payment for the stay twice. Hopefully it will get sorted in the wash.

The car needs a wash but may not get it for a few days. 

RedKite replied on 22/01/2022 19:39

Posted on 22/01/2022 19:39

Glad you are back home and safe WN  a very long week for you.


Another sunny day after a sharp frost even managed a mug tea/coffee sitting outside this afternoon although I was wrapped up as there was  a cool northerly wind.

nelliethehooker replied on 22/01/2022 21:52

Posted on 22/01/2022 20:38 by milliehull

Glad to hear that you are home safe and sound WN. Hopefully the double will get sorted out quickly. 

Posted on 22/01/2022 21:52

I'll second that, WN. Many happy returns.wink,

Not quite as sunny today but still dry. That's been a week of good weather and the next couple might continue in the same vein. We had three walks in Stainburn Forest, dodging the guns of a shooting party and then the mountain bikes on the unofficial trails. 

richardandros replied on 22/01/2022 22:13

Posted on 22/01/2022 22:13

Glad you're back safely WN - bet you're both exhausted.  

Here's a view from the back garden, this afternoon - been a beautiful day, but very cold.  Magnificent sunset - 'shepherd's delight'.

Bakers2 replied on 23/01/2022 08:44

Posted on 23/01/2022 08:44

We had another cold day here yesterday, warmer this morning but grey and clouds feel very low. We had a few beautiful cold days, don't think as many as others but that's OK. I wish the brightness would stay. Happy with the cold, you can wrap up against it or turn up the heating (if you're lucky enough to have clothes and sufficient funds for energy prices!) Harder to cool down in the heat 😉.

Beautiful sunset richardandros. Hope that means you've slowed down, as medically requested, and are taking time to enjoy nature's treats? 😉

Good to read you're home wherenext, treat yourself gently for a while, I know you like clean car but there are other things too, life is short as we've all been jolted into accepting recently. Stay safe,

Feels like halfway through the day, wel I've ve not slept since 2am....... Re-read all the paperwork received from the solicitors yesterday, report on our purchase, contracts for our sale and purchase arrived yesterday. Then all the other reports. These days there is so much, probably to cover everyone's posterior but a lot for the 'lay person' to taken board. Even that didn't help with sleep when I returned to bed, so finished a craft project and the usual chores before breakfast 🤣.

Hopefully a dog walk will lift my mood and stop my brain racing........ Must go and see if she'd care to join me soon. Going to finish washing the bird feeders, not a general morning chore before I stir her and OH. Am I jealous some folk just sleep like a baby??

heddlo replied on 23/01/2022 09:41

Posted on 23/01/2022 09:41

I do feel for you Bakers2.  I’m sure your peaceful world will return when all the messing about stops,  and it WILL.  You have so much on your plate at present so it’s not surprising sleep is evading you!  Be good to yourself as much as you can.  Just think by the summer you will be moved, sorted and enjoying life again.  Take care and fingers crossed all will be well soon. 

Wherenext replied on 23/01/2022 11:41

Posted on 23/01/2022 11:41

I can't give you any helpful hints about how to turn your brain off at Night Bakers as I've not worked it out yet. You'll be the first to know if I hit the magic button.laughing Although I can recommend a week of high on stress coupled with a lot of travel, throw in a funeral and a large glass or two of something Red and it works wonders. Well it did for me last night. 10 hours of sleep and pure bliss, I think. I can't understand your comment about car washing though B2. No-one here or anyone that knows me wouldn't recognise a strong desire to wash cars in me either.undecidedlaughing I do hope that everything with the move goes smoothly from hereon in. Fingers crossed.

Trying to sort out the "confusion" regarding the payments with the last hotel this morning. Have raised a section 75 with the bank so hopefully if the hotel do not respond the bank will help. The only good thing is that the exchange rate seems to be going up for the £.laughing

Mrs WN has her first load of washing in. Will have some lunch and then go for a long walk after it. Haven't stretched the legs much lately.

Lovely photo Richard. That and the Song Thrush blasting away at the moment lifted the spirits. Good luck with the recovery programme, not just for you but for Ros as well.smile

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