What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

DavidKlyne replied on 23/02/2021 12:35

Posted on 23/02/2021 12:24 by KjellNN

Terrible weather here today....very wet and very windy.....staying in and doing some sorting and sewing.......we have some  curtains to make for DD.

I have been tasked with zig-zagging the cut edges while OH puts on washing and tidies the kitchen, but she found a spider on the floor in the utility room, which had of course disappeared by the time I got there, so she is meantime refusing to go in there.

Probably under the washing machine, which I have refused to move!

Posted on 23/02/2021 12:35

People should learn to love spiders, especially UK ones!!!! When my dad left the army he went to work or a fruit and vegetable wholesalers in Southampton where we lived. Obviously we were never short of fruit! We used to find some real beauties in the bananas, massive they were!!!

Funny you mentioned making curtains. Margaret is an accomplished sewer and seamstress but I can't remember the last time she made curtains as we always buy the ready made ones now. I remember years ago the curtain material department in John Lewis was massive with roll after roll of fabric but now there seems so much less. 

BTW Kj have you seen the post in Overseas about Norway?


brue replied on 23/02/2021 13:20

Posted on 23/02/2021 13:20

Big spiders get caught and removed from this house but always alive. OH is no doubt right that spiders only like dry homes so it's a good sign to have them. smile

We dug up a few different snowdrops to post up to our son and family. They have a small garden and not much in it after some tidying up and new fencing. I then stood outside our PO with the snowdrop packet and a stiff breeze along with others (including someone clutching a large pile of parcels) and we realised after ten minutes that the PO lady was having a nice long chat with a pal not a customer...So I flung the door open, sanitized my hands with a flourish and the conversation about bike rides ceased...laughing

Wherenext replied on 23/02/2021 13:38

Posted on 23/02/2021 13:38

Bit breezy to be standing still Brue. We nearly got blown over a couple of times on our walk this morning but at least it stayed dry.

Been trying to make a list of stopovers for an autumn tour down your neck of the woods. With moving the cottage to October we'll have to start it off slightly before August BH, unusual for us, so I've been looking at Adult only places for that week. It hasn't helped that this website is so slow. A lot of patience needed, not my best attribute.

Had to laugh. Got an email from my brother in France this morning to say he had posted the documents that he forgot to post 6 weeks ago so I had to keep an eye out for it. 10 minutes later the postwoman put it through the letterbox. Now that's what you call express delivery. I think he just forgot to tell me he had posted it last week.

Tammygirl replied on 23/02/2021 14:57

Posted on 23/02/2021 14:57

If anyone has any bookings to visit Scotland you might want to reconsider.

The FM has just announced that we are to go back into tier levels at the end of April   no dates yet as to when sites can open or any hospitality.

Its looking like we won't even be allowed out of Scotland until some time in May.

Windy pouring with rain who would want to visit anyway  we just want to escape. Its really getting depressing now, having listened to Boris last night I thought things might just be ok for the Spring but now I think its the complete opposite.

KjellNN replied on 23/02/2021 15:16

Posted on 23/02/2021 12:35 by DavidKlyne

People should learn to love spiders, especially UK ones!!!! When my dad left the army he went to work or a fruit and vegetable wholesalers in Southampton where we lived. Obviously we were never short of fruit! We used to find some real beauties in the bananas, massive they were!!!

Funny you mentioned making curtains. Margaret is an accomplished sewer and seamstress but I can't remember the last time she made curtains as we always buy the ready made ones now. I remember years ago the curtain material department in John Lewis was massive with roll after roll of fabric but now there seems so much less. 

BTW Kj have you seen the post in Overseas about Norway?


Posted on 23/02/2021 15:16

Yes, I think I posted on it just before you.

Trying to get OH to like spiders, in the house, is a lost cause, we have had some huge ones at times.  They are usually caught, by me, in a jar and evicted, then probably find their way back in!   Ones on the floor are the worst as she is terrified at the thought they might run over her feet.

I wish DD could buy ready made curtains, but her house is about 100 years old and has high ceilings in some rooms, and tall and wide windows, so she has found all the ready made ones are too small, she would need made to measure, which is expensive.

OH was also commenting on the restricted supply of fabrics, but apparently we do have a few specialist shops in town, shut at present of course, and there is always the possibility to order on line.  

The fabric we have was actually bought for floor length curtains in her previous house, but they were not made as she decided to move, so the curtains should ideally be wider than they will turn out for the room she really wants them in.  Not sure if she has realised this yet.

They will however be wide enough for the renovated bedroom and the  length should be fine as, in both the rooms, they only need to come to a little below the sill.  We will leave them unhemmed till she decides their final resting place.

At present she has borrowed 3 wide pairs that we had which are all the same so is using 2 pairs on one window, but the colours do not go well with her decor in her bedroom.     She has a big bay window, the curtain rail is 4 metres long, so, according to my curtain expert, she will need 3 widths of fabric in each curtain, and ideally wants them to have blackout lining as that window gets the morning sun.

OH has said she will make them for her as long as she chooses a not too heavy cotton fabric and uses hook in linings, so we shall see.


KjellNN replied on 23/02/2021 15:29

Posted on 23/02/2021 14:57 by Tammygirl

If anyone has any bookings to visit Scotland you might want to reconsider.

The FM has just announced that we are to go back into tier levels at the end of April   no dates yet as to when sites can open or any hospitality.

Its looking like we won't even be allowed out of Scotland until some time in May.

Windy pouring with rain who would want to visit anyway  we just want to escape. Its really getting depressing now, having listened to Boris last night I thought things might just be ok for the Spring but now I think its the complete opposite.

Posted on 23/02/2021 15:29

Yes, very disappointing as our cases are fewer than in many areas of England.  
We have given up now on an April escape in Scotland,  but  hopefully we should be OK for our planned trip south starting 10th June.   We have booked a load of CAMC sites, but will now look at (less expensive) alternatives.....CLs or CCC sites......for some of them.

Francis replied on 23/02/2021 15:35

Posted on 23/02/2021 15:35

I agree TG we were quite optimistic last night after listening to the PM but I just knew the FM would strike a more downbeat tone. She did say there may be some changes within the tier system so it possibly could be that the travel limits in each tier could be changed but who knows. Just an initial look through comments on line and it would appear that a lot of Scots are in support of Boris on this whole easing map (who would have thought that) so we may well see a speed up of her timetable as I do know is that her party have people who spend there days as part of their job looking through polls  and social media platforms gauging public opinion. We have some sites booked for May and are still hoping to get 

Tammygirl replied on 23/02/2021 16:58

Posted on 23/02/2021 16:58

I do hope you are right Francis, she certainly will not want folk supporting Boris around the time of the election. If she is not careful it could all blow up in her face.

We have some CLs booked for end of April, will leave them in play for now as they are in Scotland so easy to get to if the situation changes at short notice. If we can't get then at least they will understand why. 

May and June under discussion, we have to get 2nd vax first but week 12 is the begining of May so should be free to head off further afield after that. Reluctant to head south until Whitsun holiday out the way, then we can make a 6 week trip before another school holiday hits.

WN, I've posted on the other thread for you.

Isn't it slow today.

nelliethehooker replied on 23/02/2021 21:47

Posted on 22/02/2021 21:42 by Wherenext

Wow, Nellie!

I never realised you had so many teeth in your head and now all of them need fixing.surprisedlaughing Good luck. Try to be nice to the one with the needle.

Good luck for the lady of the house. MiL has a hair appointment for 16th. March, a tentative date suggested by First Minister the other day. Mrs WN given instructions to fix one for her. OH not got one yet!

Quite good news about 12th.April for you.

Posted on 23/02/2021 21:47

I'm always nice to the lady with the needle, as she has the drill too!!

OH phoned her hairdresser this morning and has been pencilled in for an appointment on the 12th, provided they are allowed to open. When we were out walking this morning we got a phone call from the first site of our tour to say that that they weren't open till the 12th, after our booked dates, but were we interested in another date, so we'll visit them in the way home after the other outward site we've swapped. So the trip's sorted, apart for a one night stop on the way down on the 14th, provided of course that the Welsh sites are open before the end of April.

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