What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

brue replied on 22/02/2021 09:11

Posted on 21/02/2021 21:14 by milliehull

If anyone is watching Bloodlands on BBC1 the place where they recovered the car from the lough is Strangford where our youngest son and family live. Their house is the pink one up on the hill at the back. We have been on that ferry so many times.

Posted on 22/02/2021 09:11

Millie I'll whizz through iplayer to take a look, did your family see any of the filming? We knew someone who was brought up in the area and we enjoyed our trip over there with a list of recommended places to see from our friend. I might even have a photo with the pink house on it!  Hope it won't be too long before you go back again. smile

Rufs replied on 22/02/2021 09:44

Posted on 21/02/2021 21:14 by milliehull

If anyone is watching Bloodlands on BBC1 the place where they recovered the car from the lough is Strangford where our youngest son and family live. Their house is the pink one up on the hill at the back. We have been on that ferry so many times.

Posted on 22/02/2021 09:44

great 1st episode, can i cheat and watch all episodes on iplayer now or do i have to sit and bite my fingernails until next Sunday ?undecided

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 22/02/2021 10:00

Posted on 22/02/2021 09:44 by Rufs

great 1st episode, can i cheat and watch all episodes on iplayer now or do i have to sit and bite my fingernails until next Sunday ?undecided

Posted on 22/02/2021 10:00

Go for it-binge watchπŸ‘πŸ», I do on the streaming channels when there is 2 or 3 seasons, it’s easier to keep up with the plotπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™‚

Rufs replied on 22/02/2021 10:18

Posted on 22/02/2021 10:00 by Rocky 2 buckets

Go for it-binge watchπŸ‘πŸ», I do on the streaming channels when there is 2 or 3 seasons, it’s easier to keep up with the plotπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™‚

Posted on 22/02/2021 10:18

Not much doing outside so i might just do that IOW looked like this yesterday morning and not a great deal better today but promise of some sun PM laughing

milliehull replied on 22/02/2021 12:03

Posted on 22/02/2021 12:03

Yes brue. They did see the filming as they have a good view of the harbour from their house. I love sitting in their conservatory watching the ferry going back and forth.  They saw all the comings and goings down there but had no idea what it was for.  It was filmed over a year ago.

Very grey day here today.  OH is cleaning the cars and I must now get back to the various household tasks I have planned for today.

Goldie146 replied on 22/02/2021 14:20

Posted on 22/02/2021 14:20

Yesterday was "click and collect " day - and as a treat (for the car as well as for us) we took the Scenic Route, an extra 7 miles. Usually it's a Biker Route,  but we only met one - but at least 20 cyclists (not a group, just ones and twos). 

Today I was idly checking some dates on Find My Past website and stumbled across my Grandfather's Army Records. Until last week I never knew he was in the army, and now I have several pages relating to his service. He was 19 in 1920 and was only served for 62 days, because of his TEETH! Or lack of them I think it means, reading the feint handwritten report. They look OK in this photo from 1918 (but he does have his mouth shut).

I find it very easy to keep following links and not get on with anything useful, like lifting a duster etc.

Takethedogalong replied on 22/02/2021 14:36

Posted on 22/02/2021 14:36

I think of it the other way round Goldie.....following links is useful, it’s the dusting that interferes! 

Francis replied on 22/02/2021 15:04

Posted on 22/02/2021 15:04

It is really beginning to feel like spring has arrived here yesterday was a lovey sunny day so we took the day van along the coast and sat with a nice warm tea looking out to sea lots of people out walking and cycling. Sunny here again today and the temperature is up so so need for the heating to be on all day as it has been recently. 

Bakers2 replied on 22/02/2021 15:42

Posted on 22/02/2021 15:42

Goldie I'm with takethedogalong regarding interference πŸ˜‰.

Good to know some war records on find my past, might get round to some more myself but I'm still sorting mum and dad's stuff. I've got some notes on my dad's war service but never applied for his full record - now they're asking that we wait because of the current situation πŸ™. Whilst emptying the house we found his kit bag complete with army number, not seen it before. No wonder he was a good packer! He always said if it didn't fit in your kitbag it couldn't go. Not much bigger than some handbags 😱. I remember seeing an actual box you'd have been allowed to emigrate with - lunchbox size! We sure have all got used to stuff these days 🀐


Well for a change, I'm being sarcastic, its grey and raining AGAIN here, not too warm either. Walked the dog but that's tired me again. Still feeling nauseous, tired and lethargic if this is the reaction I'll pass on the full blown thanks.

Fed up with the media speculation/government leaks. Roll on PM statement, if I can understand it without an interpreter πŸ˜‰. I hope it's slow and steady but I can get to have a stand and stare with son and possibly a walk with us meeting halfway-ish and even meet my brother for a walk. I feel like Billy no mates as no one wants to join my for wet muddy exercise 🀣

Edit just seen PM speaking to the house. We're all going to be rather shaggy before we can visit the hairdresser..........

Wherenext replied on 22/02/2021 15:51

Posted on 22/02/2021 15:51

Lovely sunny day here Bakers, for a change.

Trouble is I can't get into the garden as it's too sodden from last weeks deluge on top of an already saturated ground. Shame really. Plus garden centres still closed in Wales.

Picked up a library book from Click and Collect system and sorted out deposit for new bathroom window.

Had news that someone who had the Pfizer vaccine 6 weeks ago is having their second jab next week.

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