What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

nelliethehooker replied on 20/01/2021 20:34

Posted on 20/01/2021 09:52 by Metheven

Waiting in for a 'Smart Meter' person who is going to replace the electric and gas meters. I have delayed it for so long but the tariff I'm on is excellent and only dependent upon the installation of the Smartmeters, and really have no objection to them. Our meter enclosures are external so the risk is minimal, just that it's pouring down with rain, poor man, oops poor person laughing

Posted on 20/01/2021 20:34

It took months for our then support to fit the smart meters that were required by our contract with them. The electric one worked fine but not the gas one or the monitor. Change supplier last February, just prior to lockdown so when I asked them to come and sort it out they couldn't because of Covid restrictions as our's are in the house. Have now changed suppliers again so just see if they can arrange for someone to come and sort them out. Hope it will be sooner rather than later, as we'll want to get away as soon a s we're allowed.

nelliethehooker replied on 20/01/2021 20:53

Posted on 20/01/2021 20:53

Good to hear the news about the vaccinations going on and in the pipeline.

More rain here but not as heavy as yesterday, and even managed our early morning walk and part of the afternoon one without getting wet.

Hope that everyone is safe from the floods. I see that York is close to flooding and that the Keswick caravan site is flooded. There's the chance of more snow for both N.Wales and East Scotland so stay safe one and all.

milliehull replied on 20/01/2021 21:32

Posted on 20/01/2021 21:32

Gosh it's all happening in your house bakers2 - exciting times!

Not as much rain  as expected here thank goodness but areas near the river, especially FM, are inaccesible.

Bakers2 replied on 20/01/2021 22:14

Posted on 20/01/2021 21:32 by milliehull

Gosh it's all happening in your house bakers2 - exciting times!

Not as much rain  as expected here thank goodness but areas near the river, especially FM, are inaccesible.

Posted on 20/01/2021 22:14

Gee it's either climbing the walls wondering what to do or activity daily, why cant I space it out as things to look forward too? Oh dear that would mean knowing what day of the week it is and the date!

Not heard from son and DIL re water situation, hopefully no news is good news 🤞

Lovely idea with bulbs after you're friends funeral and bottle for a toast a lovely added extra. What bulb(s)  was it?

ABM replied on 20/01/2021 22:15

Posted on 20/01/2021 22:15

More rain here in S Cheshire, indeed more than we wanted but it stopped about an hour ago  ~~  now we have an inch or so of the white n' pretty stuff that the kids love frown ~~ at least it gives us another, very good,  reason to stay home !!

KjellNN replied on 21/01/2021 00:40

Posted on 21/01/2021 00:40

Dull and cold here, but at least fairly dry.  Text today from GP to say they will be ringing the over 75s to arrange appointments......soon.......so do not ring them.

However the over 70s will be contacted from some central place, not the GP.

Taking the repaired cot end to DD's garage to sand tomorrow while OH is shopping nearby, also taking some temporary curtains for the new bedroom, and some trousers OH has knitted for a doll Callum is going to get as his "baby", one of DD's old ones which had a hat and jumper, but strangely no trousers!

There is also a light switch in the kitchen to look at as is is apparently "fizzing" inside, which does not sound good.  Have told them not to use that light meantime.  May need a new one, that will need to be ordered up as they are fancy stainless steel ones.

milliehull replied on 21/01/2021 08:34

Posted on 20/01/2021 22:14 by Bakers2

Gee it's either climbing the walls wondering what to do or activity daily, why cant I space it out as things to look forward too? Oh dear that would mean knowing what day of the week it is and the date!

Not heard from son and DIL re water situation, hopefully no news is good news 🤞

Lovely idea with bulbs after you're friends funeral and bottle for a toast a lovely added extra. What bulb(s)  was it?

Posted on 21/01/2021 08:34

They were crocosmia lucifer and gladioli with a little note explaining how and when to plant them. Sue's daughter works for Cancer Research as an events manager so is a very good organiser. I shall plant them in pots to start them off and then find a nice spot in the garden. Hope your son and DIL manage their excess water OK. It is dry here today and is forecast to be dry for the next few days (hope they are right undecided) so that might help.

Bakers2 replied on 21/01/2021 08:59

Posted on 21/01/2021 08:34 by milliehull

They were crocosmia lucifer and gladioli with a little note explaining how and when to plant them. Sue's daughter works for Cancer Research as an events manager so is a very good organiser. I shall plant them in pots to start them off and then find a nice spot in the garden. Hope your son and DIL manage their excess water OK. It is dry here today and is forecast to be dry for the next few days (hope they are right undecided) so that might help.

Posted on 21/01/2021 08:59

How lovely, we have that cocrisima it makes a wonderful show.

DIL says they've not had much rain 🤞. Drains and pumps  holding up,  lost quite a bit of wheat with the Christmas floods.

Pegged my towels out for a blow 😀. Some have some lovely rubber Mark's on 😤. They're back in washing again hopefully it'll come off. I could use some more excitement NOT.

Dry and bright here at present, not blue sky - that seems very scarce here, but it'll do me.

KjellNN theres certainly always plenty for you to keep amused, did you ever have enough time to go to paid work? 🤣

brue replied on 21/01/2021 09:09

Posted on 21/01/2021 09:09

Very sad to lose your friend Millie but hope you enjoy seeing the plants grow.

Unpleasant night here with strong winds and very heavy rain, lovely sunshine this morning! Son has sent a photo of snow in the NE.

Daughter was on whatsapp video yesterday evening telling us about on line teaching and it rang true when a Dad dressed as a Mum on local TV did a funny sketch shouting at the kids to get out of bed as their teacher was on the computer...Our daughter has come up against all sorts of reactions and funny questions following a teaching session. But eye strain is another problem being on line all day. OH would probably say the same about me! 🤣.

Goldie146 replied on 21/01/2021 10:27

Posted on 21/01/2021 10:27

Snow. wind, rain and even sun. not a day to be going out (not that i ever do).

I'm taking it easy  - yesterday I cut my lower right arm, just above the wrist. a stupid accident involving a delivery box of plastic bags, a wooden trolley and an old mini blender in a carrier bag. i can testify to the sharpness of the blade. My son is a very skilled first aider and dealt with me instead of going down to casualty. Steri strips, dressing and bandage and instructions not to bend my wrist seem to be keeping it closed up. There were mutterings about a splint to force me to keep it straight, but i've been allowed to use my commonsense.

i'm amazed how different it is just using one arm. Hence any errors typing.

Fortunately dinner is easy - just cold chicken to lift out the fridge. We were lucky that i had just finished making dinner yesterday when i had the accident. I was tidying up for my husband's Zoom meeting. Should have left the scrow on the table.

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