What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

milliehull replied on 20/01/2021 17:35

Posted on 20/01/2021 17:35

Good news about your MIL"s vaccination WN but a bit concerning about the missing table mat.

My vaccine appt went very well this morning. I was very impressed with their organisation and efficiency. Lots of kind and helpful staff. I was out of the house for less than an hour and that included having to sit for 15 minutes after the jab. We were each given an egg timer and were not allowed to leave until it had pinged!! I have had several messages from friends and relations (all in their 70s) who have appts in the next 2 weeks so things seem to be moving pretty swiftly. I hope it keeps up.

We had an email sometime ago inviting us to make an appt to have a smart meter installed but as our meters are over 30 years old and on an outside wall I think we might have a problem. I suppose we should do something about it but we might leave it for a few months. 

ABM replied on 20/01/2021 18:00

Posted on 20/01/2021 18:00

Welcome to the " Vax Club " MillieH,  great news  and, like you, I'm hoping it gets better and better as we move towards Easter time !!  And I did remember to send them a " Thank You " card - I just have to hope the strain of that is not too much for Royal Mail !!



OOOOO !  Just heard that J R Biden is now U S  Boss man ~~surprised~~ Who would have believed it  

JVB66 replied on 20/01/2021 18:10

Posted on 20/01/2021 17:35 by milliehull

Good news about your MIL"s vaccination WN but a bit concerning about the missing table mat.

My vaccine appt went very well this morning. I was very impressed with their organisation and efficiency. Lots of kind and helpful staff. I was out of the house for less than an hour and that included having to sit for 15 minutes after the jab. We were each given an egg timer and were not allowed to leave until it had pinged!! I have had several messages from friends and relations (all in their 70s) who have appts in the next 2 weeks so things seem to be moving pretty swiftly. I hope it keeps up.

We had an email sometime ago inviting us to make an appt to have a smart meter installed but as our meters are over 30 years old and on an outside wall I think we might have a problem. I suppose we should do something about it but we might leave it for a few months. 

Posted on 20/01/2021 18:10

 Whos vacine did you have? and when is your second  jab Millie?

milliehull replied on 20/01/2021 18:31

Posted on 20/01/2021 18:10 by JVB66

 Whos vacine did you have? and when is your second  jab Millie?

Posted on 20/01/2021 18:31

I had the Pfizer vaccine JVB. I was surprised as I thought GP surgeries would be giving the Oxford vaccine. The surgery said they will contact me about my 2nd dose in 12 weeks


Bakers2 replied on 20/01/2021 19:36

Posted on 20/01/2021 19:36

Good vaccine news 😀

Had an out of the blue phone call whilst I was about to clear up behind the dog on our morning walk, from GP, wanting to talk to OH, but happy to talk to us both later at home as I was beside a road. At least I got a bit of forewarning so could get my head in the right place! It's all very well them calling you but takes a while to understand accents let alone anything else. At least with an appointment you have time to gather your thoughts and ponder questions you'd like to ask. Actually when we could hear and understand we learned it was that she had followed up her last call about medication and had communicated with OH's cardiologist re his medication. So I was impressed, GP has never followed up when they've said with me 😉. Funnily enough we had a call from the cardiologist secretary yesterday to arrange teleconsultation in early March so I think we'll confirm everything with him before cutting out pills 😉.......

Guy visited to quote boiler  early afternoon, apparently simple swop 🤞🤞🤞 and it will fit in the cupboard. Within a hour if him leaving we had the quote via email. Very pleasantly surprised, no Grant's here but no worries. I think I'll say yes tomorrow. At the moment it's all working well 🤞. Apparently Worcester Bosch increase their prices in February so might as well have this year's prices!

Tomorrow our TV arrives and will be set up.

Our house has had plenty of blow throughs and wiping downs yesterday and today. I expect it'll be the same again tomorrow!

Showers day here but not much rain thankfully. Been breezy at times more overnight. I suspect wet and windy walk in the morning. I hope no one is suffering with flooding.

Lovely perfume when opening the back and front doors from the Christmas box, Sarcococca, plants in pots by both doors. Very insignificant flowers but wonderful scent. My Winter sweet smells delicious too but I have to walk down the water logged grass and lift it close to my nose to get the benefit of the uplifting frangrance. It didn't like being in a pot and my only gap to plant it in the soil is too far up the garden to enjoy it, hopefully this wet winter is a one off but I'll have to give much consideration to where it can go nearer the house, but it really needs bears britches removed and I don't think OH will agree to his plant going, plus it's a jolly big thug of a plant 😱


brue replied on 20/01/2021 20:05

Posted on 20/01/2021 20:05

It's extremely windy here and some roads are flooded, I think we get some respite tomorrow. Poor old sheep in the adjoining field haven't got much shelter. Have spent most of the day inside, getting soaking wet on my afternoon dog walk and then watched the inauguration ceremony. 

Tammygirl replied on 20/01/2021 20:07

Posted on 20/01/2021 20:07

Foggy, damp day here. We had another dusting of snow overnight but we had rain late morning so its not managed to get a grip. We still have snow left on the gardens and side of the roads and paths from the last lot. Snow forecast again for tomorrow, haven't had a winter like this for a few years, they have all been mild.

Morning for shopping, back to doing 3 households again. Shops very quiet today, snow/rain managing to keep folk indoors even if the government can't laughing

Managed to get the final gloss coat on the door, not totally happy with it. Despite new brush, new tin of gloss a good wipe down after sanding, the paint surface has little bits in it yell will see how it looks tomorrow when it dries. 

Heard yesterday that 2 of our 'over the back' neighbours had been called to go for their vaccination today smile one is 86 the other 80 but they allowed them to go as a couple, first we have heard that have done that.

The FM got a good grilling in Holyrood today over the delay in rolling out to the general public, she got a tad rattled laughing

Glad to hear all went well with your jab Millie, sad time for you though at your friends funeral. I liked the idea of the bulbs what a lovely way to remember her.

Bakers2, we have a Worcester Bosch combi boiler, very good boiler.

brue replied on 20/01/2021 20:17

Posted on 20/01/2021 20:17

The vaccine is delayed in the SW due to supplies and sheer numbers, apparently nearly 170,000 over 80s to contact, much more than some areas. Over 70s will have a 2-3 week wait.

Wherenext replied on 20/01/2021 20:19

Posted on 20/01/2021 20:19

Boy, you don't lead a boring life at the moment do you Bakers?

I echo Tammy's comments about the funeral Millie. Nice thought, the bulbs.

It's been very heavy rain all day with roads in and around the town flooding, some even in our village. At this moment in time the rain has turned to snow. Might not go out to the Library tomorrow.

Accepted the quote for the blinds. Nice local firm that we've always used.

We were asked last night when entering Tesco whether we were from the same household. Told them we were but doing 2 different shops, one for elderly person, so no problem. Only time we've been asked.

JVB66 replied on 20/01/2021 20:29

Posted on 20/01/2021 18:31 by milliehull

I had the Pfizer vaccine JVB. I was surprised as I thought GP surgeries would be giving the Oxford vaccine. The surgery said they will contact me about my 2nd dose in 12 weeks


Posted on 20/01/2021 20:29

Thanks , we were given both dates when we booked, after we had a text inviting us to book

The consent forms arrived this morning with covering letter asking us to fill it in an take it with us on Friday 

We think there has been a change in this area with GPs as it is now called WGC and Villages practices ,and evidently some services are now shared hence we are not going to our own GP for the jabs ,which is handy ,as it is in one of the town surgeries that is in the same complex as a liddl and Tescowink

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