Sniffer, Diary of A Dog In Isolation!

Takethedogalong replied on 18/03/2020 11:02

Posted on 18/03/2020 11:02

Hi everyone. My first post as an independent canine Club Member. My human’s aren’t in total lock down yet, but are behaving a bit strangely, so I thought I’d take to this Web thing and give it a go. 

We canines, and I suspect other chilled out cuties of the fur and feather kind know a thing about communicating. But just how are we going to do it if our walks are on lock down, those well loved paths and trails an ever decreasing source of scents and sniffs? 

Well, compared to our highly developed, totally secret Sniffer channels, our humans finally developed what they call Twitter. It’s a crude, limited, easy to understand type of communication thing, but it might be worth putting up with something similar until we can physically get together and wag our way along those walks again. 

So, if you want to share lockdown tips, keep in touch, add a photo, say hello to a mate you haven’t seen for a while, feel free to add something here, on the Sniffer thread! It would be good to hear from other confined canines, but in this special circumstances, anything that woofs, neighs, squeaks, grunts, moo’s, tweets.......ok, even meows, is most welcome to join in. Humans without anything furry or feathered, but who would like to join in are most welcome as well.

My bolshy human (not the quiet one) has told me that there is a special pet section, but advised me to ask the in charge humans on this Web thing to leave it here for a while, so that more of us highly developed communicators can find it easily and take part if they want to, maybe moving it in a few days time to the pet section.

I’d sign off in my usual way at the moment, but apparently it’s not good etiquette with anything electrical, so get those paws tapping and say hello........

๐Ÿ˜ฑ I! Most welcome, but don’t get too close to the cats!

Bakers2 replied on 04/05/2020 12:27

Posted on 04/05/2020 11:23 by Takethedogalong

Mum and Dad think a lot longer yet, Dad needs to be kept away from others, and thereโ€™s only me allowed to say a proper hello to Grandma Cheese at the moment. To be honest, apart from going away in my mobile kennel, and taking Grandma Cheese away in some nice cottages (I have to be a very good boy๐Ÿ˜‡) we are just doing what we normally do, but with less walking variety. Mum is at home a lot more, she looks after GC some days, so I sort of get spoilt a lot more, and sheโ€™s great fun for a play in the garden. Sheโ€™s ruined some of my best sniffing patches in there, too much tidying up going on in my opinion, but it looks nice. 

Mum has been telling me all about my Airedale ancestors, after I found all the rolls of green wire at the bottom of the garden. Being terriers, they had to dig holes every day, and there were three of them, so sometimes the holes got very big. The wire was put up along the Borders, so that they couldnโ€™t play with the plants she had just planted. Tug of war with plants is supposed to be an excellent game, but does result in chastisement and withdrawal of biscuits, so luckily, my genes are more of the blunder through the border type, than rip it up. ๐Ÿ•

Posted on 04/05/2020 12:27

That sounds interesting Sniffer but when I actually meant how long will the clean water and you're being able to take a splash last? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Hedgehog  brain in lockdown ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿค”

Takethedogalong replied on 04/05/2020 23:30

Posted on 04/05/2020 23:30

Duh, sorry, I was being a silly Sniffer๐Ÿคช The pond and water is there all the time, but it’s an area that dogs don’t usually go into now. But Parky chum said it was ok, no one around, so have fun. It’s nice to get wet, I usually like a river or sea swim๐Ÿ‘

This is me and a stick in the bottom pond


brue replied on 28/05/2020 12:03

Posted on 28/05/2020 12:03

Are we nearly there yet? Well not quite as we haven't left the garden, but someone is fixing a safety harness point for me today just in case we go out somewhere. ๐Ÿ•

Bakers2 replied on 28/05/2020 12:27

Posted on 28/05/2020 12:27

Oh what a cutie you are Tallulah ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Best be ready just in case there's a chance of a day out!

At the moment I'm in a pet carrier in the car which is OK if I sit on the front passenger's lap or the passenger sits in the back with me. My humans thought that the seat belt would hold the carrier in - it doesn't! So  they put me in the foot well behind the driver - I soon let them know I didn't like that ๐Ÿ˜‚ the 1.25 hours to get to my new house made sure I wasn't left there! I think that was the only fault I can and could find with my humans so far.

However today I got this form of luxury travel. Well it might be a cast-off backpack to some but my humans are careful with the money, hopefully savings will be treats or toys.  Tried it on her back in the garden yesterday but I prefer to be in the front. Views and stokes as required ๐Ÿ˜‰. Personally I think an outing at 6am is far too early but she reckoned it was a lovely morning and too beautiful to be missed sleeping. Hopefully she'll feel differently when it's cold dark or wet ๐Ÿ˜‚

My first outing this morning I'm hoping for another later! My breeder impressed that my humans know that 5 minutes walk, not that I can on 'dirty' ground yet, for each month I'm old is plenty. This way the humans and I get the best of both.

Stay safe I'm off to catch up on my sleep, I'm growing quite fast and at 9 weeks I need plenty of rest, food and strokes.  


Bakers2 replied on 30/05/2020 15:54

Posted on 30/05/2020 15:54

Well time to update you all with my cuteness and brazenness ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I've written to mum's mate whose dog is good with puppies, he's an old man of 8 now so he'll be my sugar daddy ๐Ÿ˜‰ asking for a playdate in a few weeks. They get really busy so you have to book a slot well in advance! Plus it's this lockdown business, don't know any different myself, it's the world I was born into ๐Ÿ˜‚. Their granddog is planning in coming when I can meet other dogs too, so they can have another stare at their son and maybe DIL. I'm useful for some things ๐Ÿ˜‰

Another trip out in my luxury back/front pack slightly more civilised time, but not by much, today. Don't know what she's concerned about not seen or heard anything worth getting excited about yet!

Had a facetime call with mum and dads son and DIL, saw their granddog too, I can't see her being an issue. Not seen any of them in the flesh yet. Of course I was the star attraction otherwise they just speak ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

My humans bought various items from the internet, hopefully they've learned from their costly mistakes. Examples below, look at that ridiculous size small bowl - the hedgehog has acquired it so we all have matching bowls that In turn match the kitchen. The hedgehogs aren't allowed indoors and so far I've not eaten in the kitchen so I'm not sure why they had to match!

But check out that toy ๐Ÿ˜ฑ it'll get lost in a hollow tooth, haven't got any of those, before long! Equally she bought a tug toy that's bigger than me. Actually don't tell her but the breeder had the opposite trouble and got HUGE 1st toys for us, I've been sent home with one and it's still slightly bigger than me, but I can just carry and shake it now.

Speaking of matching bowls I try not to use the water one unless pushed, similarly the one in my cage the woman human keeps a watering can in the conservatory for her tender plants, they mustn't have water straight from the water butt - might chill them, cissy's! But its lovely to drink from. Their offspring humans asked if I drank from it apparently the granddog does - but I didn't need her to teach me! Another great source for water is the hedgehog, ground level bird bath.

As you can see I'm settling in well and I'll soon have this pair trained tomy ways. I'm off for a snooze now as its tiring being a puppy in this heat. 

Takethedogalong replied on 03/06/2020 22:37

Posted on 03/06/2020 22:37

Oh I am a bad doggie. Haven’t kept up my diary very well, and naughtily haven’t welcomed new young readers and contributors to the diary thread. Anyway, a big hello tonight to the new youth section. I hope your human training is coming along nicely, don’t settle for any nonsense, even if things are still a bit strange out there.

Mum is starting to look a bit Worzel Gummidge like now, ages since she had a haircut, and I think the ironing’s gone to pot, t shirts are a tad disheveled. She spends most of her time upside down grubbing around in the garden, so she’s happy looking a wreck. Dad is still on the fitness kick, I have been banned from the attic, bad for my legs all those stairs, and he didn’t like me nudging him as he was riding along going nowhere. It’s a right old faff negotiating all the plants now on my usual garden trails, all those smelly plants as well disguising the really interesting sniffs. On the positive side, been seeing a bit more of a Grandma Cheese, and Aunty L, mind I am the only one allowed in the house, my humans are outside on the lawn. The walks are getting a bit more of a variety as well, my Jeep is going out a bit more, but not far. Went for a swim Monday night, a tad muddy, but it did the old coat good. What I really need is a good salt water dip, that sets one up lovely. 

Have been enjoying this good weather, got plenty of sunbathing in, but the lawn’s looking a tad the worse for wear. Mind, it’s cool today, bit nicer for walking though, and that rain has done things good. 

I will catch up with all you chums again soon, meantime, keep up the hard work entertaining those humans๐Ÿ’–

ABM replied on 01/07/2020 16:48

Posted on 01/07/2020 16:48

BUMP !!  Need to get you pups up and working, the lamp posts near me seem to be neglected for some reason ,,, ,,, ,,, 

Takethedogalong replied on 01/07/2020 16:59

Posted on 01/07/2020 16:59

Hey up pup fan๐Ÿ˜ My owner’s terrible you know, doesn’t give me much help putting this diary together.

Things are fine here though. I have just got back from entertaining duties, my hour helping to keep Grandma Cheese and Aunty L on the straight and narrow. 

Still social distancing here, owners not me. Noisy one went out in a mask yesterday, huge improvement, a lot less noise was the overall judgement. Diet has gone to pot though. They are stuffing me with left over veg and bits of pasta at the moment, but I time my revenge well๐Ÿ˜‚

I haven’t heard much from the two new pups on the block lately, have been wondering how the human training has been going......

brue replied on 24/07/2020 20:10

Posted on 24/07/2020 20:10

Well Sniffer you've made it into the magazine again, a couple of moggies think they ought to get a mention.....laughing 

I know their type, wanting to be famous. I've just had a very nice first holiday in a motorhome, I can get a really good view from the windows and I have been more than happy with this new adventure.

Keep up the good work

Yours for paws

Tallulah the Chihuahua x ๐Ÿ•

Takethedogalong replied on 24/07/2020 20:48

Posted on 24/07/2020 20:48

Not sure if I am friends with you Tallulah, I hear you have been away on holiday, having a good time, and I wasn’t involved๐Ÿ˜ All my pair have sorted is one day out to a bird sanctuary, and a walk round a reservoir!  Tsk, right pair of slackers. And to top it all, that blasted thug from next door but one had the temerity to come round and play hosepipe games with MY Mum๐Ÿ˜ก 

So, the moggies have been getting in on the act have they, I must take a look. We are overrun with frogs here at the moment, but I think Mum caught her rat the other day. There are still dark muttering about “useless” and “get a terrier”. Very unkind of them really, especially given all the fun I provide. On the bright front, Grandma Cheese has now called a few times, so the love and cuddles are back on top whack. 


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