UK staycation boom predicted

Freddy55 replied on 18/02/2021 15:01

Posted on 18/02/2021 11:21 by Goldie146

I'm sorry, but I don't understand this mad rush to get away as soon as the starting gate is opened. I know holidays have not been possible for some time, but life is long - especially if approached with caution - the the world away from home does not suddenly become a safer place the minute you get your vaccine.

Posted on 18/02/2021 15:01

I don’t really see it as a mad rush. Like everyone else, I guess, I’m keen to see the back of these restrictions and to my mind, there’s no harm in looking/planning ahead. I’ve got a few sites booked, but nothing that can’t be cancelled or put off until later. Although infections remain relatively high, it seems they are at last falling quite significantly and at this stage I see no reason why restrictions, albeit limited, won’t be lifted in the foreseeable future, especially now that so many are being vaccinated. I would think that this whole episode has taught us to be a lot more cautious in future. I’m not counting my chickens, but I do think better times aren’t that far away.

Wherenext replied on 18/02/2021 15:13

Posted on 18/02/2021 15:13

We went away in September for nearly 4 weeks and enjoyed it but our favourite break last year was a brief 3 night stay on a CL near Criccieth on the west coast of Wales, a spur of the moment break. You don't always need a long break to refresh yourself.

This is a forum devoted to those people who like to travel with their LVs so I don't see a problem with planning breaks. There have been times when those plans have had to be scrapped over the last year and I'm sure we are all aware the same thing can happen again.

Tinwheeler replied on 18/02/2021 15:52

Posted on 18/02/2021 14:21 by MichaelT

I know holidays have not been possible for some time, but life is long

For over 120,000 (and counting) who thought that, they and their families have since found out that it was not so long hence the feeling for many that as soon as they are allowed and they feel safe they want to make the most of whatever time they have left. We have all lost a year of our lives so far and for a lot on this and other forums it means a year less of the end part of their being.

We will get out as soon as we can but will likely miss the first weekend like we did last July and go the week after so long as we can book somewhere.

Posted on 18/02/2021 15:52

I have to take issue with your statement concerning us all losing a year of our lives, MT.

We have not 'lost' a year but have merely had to adapt and spend a year, or more, living our lives in a different manner. Getting away is not the be all and end all of our existence.

We are the lucky ones as we are still here to live the rest of our lives.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 18/02/2021 15:52

Posted on 18/02/2021 14:01 by EmilysDad

I'd wondered what I'd said! 😂😂

Posted on 18/02/2021 15:52

Whatever it was it weren’t bad👍🏻😊

MichaelT replied on 18/02/2021 16:07

Posted on 18/02/2021 15:52 by Tinwheeler

I have to take issue with your statement concerning us all losing a year of our lives, MT.

We have not 'lost' a year but have merely had to adapt and spend a year, or more, living our lives in a different manner. Getting away is not the be all and end all of our existence.

We are the lucky ones as we are still here to live the rest of our lives.

Posted on 18/02/2021 16:07

Well call it what you like but being locked in like a caged animal is not my idea of living but I get what you are

replied on 18/02/2021 16:13

Posted on 18/02/2021 15:52 by Tinwheeler

I have to take issue with your statement concerning us all losing a year of our lives, MT.

We have not 'lost' a year but have merely had to adapt and spend a year, or more, living our lives in a different manner. Getting away is not the be all and end all of our existence.

We are the lucky ones as we are still here to live the rest of our lives.

Posted on 18/02/2021 16:13

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Cornersteady replied on 18/02/2021 16:42

Posted on 18/02/2021 16:13 by

Well you can take issue with me too. I truly regard 2020 as a lost year and not only for me but even  more so for my daughter who has been shielding for all that time.

We all like different things and living in other places for 4 months of the year is very special for us and the opportunity to do it reduces every year and we have just lost one.

Posted on 18/02/2021 16:42

You have just had to do things in a different way that is all really, it is not a lost year. You still have your health, wealth, and nearest ones still alive. Surely all those things are far better than living in other places for a few months.

I would (and do for myself) count yourself very fortunate indeed.

flatcoat replied on 18/02/2021 16:47

Posted on 18/02/2021 16:47

I suppose it is whether you have a glass half full or glass half empty attitude to life. As for a ‘rush’ to get away, we booked a range of holidays and breaks well before Lockdown 3 for this year and have only so far cancelled one planned trip, to Austria in June. I would rather cancel than have the frustration of booked up sites from waiting too long. I too am shielding and although the recommended restrictions (there is no law that says you have to stay indoors 24/7) are frustrating we had 3 good caravan holidays last summer including into Europe. Grab life while you can, you are a long time dead

Tinwheeler replied on 18/02/2021 17:00

Posted on 18/02/2021 16:07 by MichaelT

Well call it what you like but being locked in like a caged animal is not my idea of living but I get what you are

Posted on 18/02/2021 17:00

I cannot understand why anyone would consider staying at home to be living like a caged animal, MT. My home is my joy and my sanctuary. 

I'm glad you appreciate the relevance though.

replied on 18/02/2021 17:02

Posted on 18/02/2021 17:02

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