UK staycation boom predicted

replied on 18/02/2021 11:59

Posted on 18/02/2021 11:33 by

The older you get the shorter life gets.

Posted on 18/02/2021 11:59

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Rocky 2 buckets replied on 18/02/2021 12:38

Posted on 18/02/2021 09:41 by LLM

Me too.

Posted on 18/02/2021 12:38

Geez they want an interest free loan from us with no guarantee we’ll ever get our money back-yeah right, like that’ll happen🤣🤣🤣

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 18/02/2021 12:40

Posted on 18/02/2021 09:41 by LLM

Me too.

Posted on 18/02/2021 12:40

My apologies-LLM not ED😬😨

Goldie146 replied on 18/02/2021 13:33

Posted on 18/02/2021 11:21 by Goldie146

I'm sorry, but I don't understand this mad rush to get away as soon as the starting gate is opened. I know holidays have not been possible for some time, but life is long - especially if approached with caution - the the world away from home does not suddenly become a safer place the minute you get your vaccine.

Posted on 18/02/2021 13:33

 Maybe we're in a different situation to some people - 

We live "out in the country" with peace and quiet all around (except when the cows get out).

We're very happy with our own company.

As farmers we're not really used to holidays, so missing one or two years is no big issue.

Life may be long or short, but we enjoy a very good quality of life.

But, I appreciate we are very lucky.


Wherenext replied on 18/02/2021 13:50

Posted on 18/02/2021 11:23 by brue

Not knowing whether OH will react again to the booster we'll probably have to give up our first planned break and stay at home (if and when we hear the dates!) It's slightly inconvenient not knowing the dates but it's a minor issue. 

Posted on 18/02/2021 13:50

All of the people around here have been given their second dates when receiving their first, just like myself, and they are all in 11 weeks time at exactly the same time as the first one was given so I know when mine is supposed to be.

Mind you "there's many a slip 'tween cup and lip" as my dear mother used to say.

DavidKlyne replied on 18/02/2021 13:52

Posted on 18/02/2021 11:21 by Goldie146

I'm sorry, but I don't understand this mad rush to get away as soon as the starting gate is opened. I know holidays have not been possible for some time, but life is long - especially if approached with caution - the the world away from home does not suddenly become a safer place the minute you get your vaccine.

Posted on 18/02/2021 13:52

Tend to agree. We went away a couple of times last year but it seemed more of a tick box exercise than enjoyable trips as there were still restrictions which limited our enjoyment. The prospect is that this year will be similar. We are not booking until there is a clearer path forward. By the end of April we will have both had our second vaccinations so may feel a bit more confident and relaxed. Hopefully there will be more positive indications that we are getting of top of this horrible virus and I can relax a bit more?


replied on 18/02/2021 14:08

Posted on 18/02/2021 13:52 by DavidKlyne

Tend to agree. We went away a couple of times last year but it seemed more of a tick box exercise than enjoyable trips as there were still restrictions which limited our enjoyment. The prospect is that this year will be similar. We are not booking until there is a clearer path forward. By the end of April we will have both had our second vaccinations so may feel a bit more confident and relaxed. Hopefully there will be more positive indications that we are getting of top of this horrible virus and I can relax a bit more?


Posted on 18/02/2021 14:08

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MichaelT replied on 18/02/2021 14:21

Posted on 18/02/2021 11:21 by Goldie146

I'm sorry, but I don't understand this mad rush to get away as soon as the starting gate is opened. I know holidays have not been possible for some time, but life is long - especially if approached with caution - the the world away from home does not suddenly become a safer place the minute you get your vaccine.

Posted on 18/02/2021 14:21

I know holidays have not been possible for some time, but life is long

For over 120,000 (and counting) who thought that, they and their families have since found out that it was not so long hence the feeling for many that as soon as they are allowed and they feel safe they want to make the most of whatever time they have left. We have all lost a year of our lives so far and for a lot on this and other forums it means a year less of the end part of their being.

We will get out as soon as we can but will likely miss the first weekend like we did last July and go the week after so long as we can book somewhere.

brue replied on 18/02/2021 14:47

Posted on 18/02/2021 14:47

I genuinely enjoyed the few short breaks we had last year, they were different but we made the best of them, we're fairly adaptable and just being in a different place and seeing others enjoying some "freedom" was good too. I'm hoping we can repeat the experience this year.

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