SteveL replied on 01/11/2023 10:07
Posted on 01/11/2023 10:07
I made a booking a few days ago and another today and in that time the site payment page has been updated. Personally I think they have made it more confusing, but you can judge for yourself.
You are presented with two boxes the top one ticked (photo 1)
If you untick this the bottom box disappears and they definitely don’t take the residual before arrival (photo 2)
However, even if you don’t untick it, unless you tick box 2, it is difficult to see how they can as that box gives permission to retain your details. Perhaps it won’t let you proceed if you do that.
If you tick box 2 to give permission as I did, both boxes stay and they will take the residual before arrival. (Photo 3)
I realised after making the booking the credit card runs out before arrival. It will be replaced with an identically numbered one but of course expiry and 3 digit code will be different. As there is no mechanism for updating it will be interesting to see if they can take the money.
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Motorhomer from Nottinghamshire