Pet Passport Scheme ends for UK

ValDa replied on 13/12/2020 19:36

Posted on 13/12/2020 19:36


We have been informed by the government, last night, that the UK will have ‘Part 2’ listed status for pets traveling to the EU after 01/01/2021.

What this means is that all existing UK Pet Passports (see the attached photo) will no longer be valid for travel from 01/01/2021. We hope this message will be read by anyone holding such a passport, but please forward this information on to anyone you know who has such a document so they can be prepared.

From 2300 GMT on 31/12/20 any pet traveling to the EU from the UK will need to be issued with an ‘Animal Health Certificate’ (AHC) by your vet.

The vital things to know about the AHC is that they are ONLY valid for:
• 10 days after the date of issue for entry into the EU – i.e. they cannot be issued to you more than 10 days before you travel
• A single trip for entry to the EU – they cannot be reused
• Onward travel within the EU for 4 months after the date of issue
• Re-entry to GB for 4 months after the date of issue.

Unfortunately, veterinary surgeons are not permitted to issue any AHCs until after 22/12/2020.
These AHC are issued as bilingual documents; you will only be able to enter the EU if you hold the correct document for the country you first arrive in. Thus pet owners cannot change their country entry point into the EU once the AHC is completed, otherwise a new AHC would need to be issued.

In addition, as these are large, 10 page, documents that will require a considerable time to complete, and can only be filled by certified veterinary surgeons, it is likely all veterinary practices will be very limited in the number that can be completed prior to 01/01/2021.

This means there may be delays in the issuing of such documents by veterinary practices, and we thank our clients in advance for their patience with this process at this extremely challenging time.

Finally, it should be noted that animals younger than 12 weeks of age are no longer permitted to be exported, and that travel is not permitted until 21 days after Rabies vaccination.

Tinwheeler replied on 10/03/2021 15:10

Posted on 10/03/2021 14:57 by

As does the Co-op who I think are the largest owner of farms in the Uk.

As for Morrisons I agree they are normally the best of Uk supermarkets for fish but still not in the same leagueas Mercadona

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:10

Does the Co-op still own farms, David? I ask because some years back they were selling them. A farmer friend of mine bought one and went from employee to owner.

To produce their own makes sense to me whether it be milk, cabbages or fish.

replied on 10/03/2021 15:11

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:07 by JVB66

But then many continental supermarket chains sell a lot of products that would not go down well over herewink

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:11

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replied on 10/03/2021 15:14

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:10 by Tinwheeler

Does the Co-op still own farms, David? I ask because some years back they were selling them. A farmer friend of mine bought one and went from employee to owner.

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:14

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Tinwheeler replied on 10/03/2021 15:21

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:14 by

It appears you are right and the farm business has been sold primarily to to the Welcome Trust

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:21

Ah, Farmcare. Thanks.

I think they must have sold in stages as it was long before 2014 that my mate bought his.

Takethedogalong replied on 10/03/2021 15:28

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:28

Sold in 2014.
Morrison’s do own a meat transportation company, and abattoirs. They also have Chippindales, which is a free range egg packing business up near Knaresborough. Morrison’s are big around us up here in Yorkshire, and I have to say have long had the best supermarket fish counters. We like the good instore bakeries as well. Can’t comment on the meat, as we don’t eat it, but it’s a supermarket we like. Better fresh foods, specialist counters than Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s. 


replied on 10/03/2021 15:50

Posted on 10/03/2021 15:28 by Takethedogalong

Sold in 2014.
Morrison’s do own a meat transportation company, and abattoirs. They also have Chippindales, which is a free range egg packing business up near Knaresborough. Morrison’s are big around us up here in Yorkshire, and I have to say have long had the best supermarket fish counters. We like the good instore bakeries as well. Can’t comment on the meat, as we don’t eat it, but it’s a supermarket we like. Better fresh foods, specialist counters than Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s. 


Posted on 10/03/2021 15:50

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brue replied on 10/03/2021 16:12

Posted on 10/03/2021 14:40 by

Good news that .I look forward to getting some decent Gurnard.

Posted on 10/03/2021 16:12

Way off topic but Brixham Fish will deliver fresh Gurnard to your door. smile

moulesy replied on 10/03/2021 16:38

Posted on 10/03/2021 16:12 by brue

Way off topic but Brixham Fish will deliver fresh Gurnard to your door. smile

Posted on 10/03/2021 16:38

If you stay at St Agnes and go down the road to Chapel Porth there is a fisherman's hut (shop would be too much of an exaggeration!) on the left hand side of the road where you can buy fish freshly caught that day - great for mackerel and also crab if you like it. smile 

ronsyl12 replied on 12/03/2021 21:25

Posted on 12/03/2021 21:25

Hi all, we are hoping to go to France in June and spain September. I have had a pet passport since2013 so last December taking my vets advice had a blood test carried out on our cocker came back ok positive.  Cost £160. Just been to vets and checked all I need is the AHC signed by our vet cost£190 for each certificate. So using my vet total cost this year could well be £540. Tried another vet locally, both are government authorised, £140. All very upsetting. I wonder if the CAMC would be prepared to make representations to the government.

Are they (the government)aware they have inadvertently forced owners into a bartering system, if they are just hope they adopt same system to road tax,airport tax etc.

eurortraveller replied on 13/03/2021 07:58

Posted on 13/03/2021 07:58

Ronsyl, Dream on.  There will be no representations to the government. You will pay for the Animal Health Certificate each time you choose to take your dog overseas..or leave him with friends or family.  But the money you paid for his blood test was not needed - you were badly advised on that. 

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