Pet Passport Scheme ends for UK

ValDa replied on 13/12/2020 19:36

Posted on 13/12/2020 19:36


We have been informed by the government, last night, that the UK will have ‘Part 2’ listed status for pets traveling to the EU after 01/01/2021.

What this means is that all existing UK Pet Passports (see the attached photo) will no longer be valid for travel from 01/01/2021. We hope this message will be read by anyone holding such a passport, but please forward this information on to anyone you know who has such a document so they can be prepared.

From 2300 GMT on 31/12/20 any pet traveling to the EU from the UK will need to be issued with an ‘Animal Health Certificate’ (AHC) by your vet.

The vital things to know about the AHC is that they are ONLY valid for:
• 10 days after the date of issue for entry into the EU – i.e. they cannot be issued to you more than 10 days before you travel
• A single trip for entry to the EU – they cannot be reused
• Onward travel within the EU for 4 months after the date of issue
• Re-entry to GB for 4 months after the date of issue.

Unfortunately, veterinary surgeons are not permitted to issue any AHCs until after 22/12/2020.
These AHC are issued as bilingual documents; you will only be able to enter the EU if you hold the correct document for the country you first arrive in. Thus pet owners cannot change their country entry point into the EU once the AHC is completed, otherwise a new AHC would need to be issued.

In addition, as these are large, 10 page, documents that will require a considerable time to complete, and can only be filled by certified veterinary surgeons, it is likely all veterinary practices will be very limited in the number that can be completed prior to 01/01/2021.

This means there may be delays in the issuing of such documents by veterinary practices, and we thank our clients in advance for their patience with this process at this extremely challenging time.

Finally, it should be noted that animals younger than 12 weeks of age are no longer permitted to be exported, and that travel is not permitted until 21 days after Rabies vaccination.

replied on 03/01/2021 13:44

Posted on 03/01/2021 13:44

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Bakers2 replied on 03/01/2021 14:03

Posted on 03/01/2021 13:44 by

I heard a comment on the radio this week about an aspect of this that hadn't occurred to me before, that people who really need their guide or assistance dogs are going to get caught up in this.

Posted on 03/01/2021 14:03

I heard a discussion about this too. Hadn't occurred to me either that something so basic would be affected. Unintended consequences.

So JVB66 will you be benefitting from your dog's passport?

Rufs replied on 03/01/2021 17:12

Posted on 03/01/2021 17:12

The additonal medical requirements that will be needed to take your pet abroad are an unfortunate consequence of leaving the EU, and this will be an additional worry for e.g. guide dogs, but diseases such as rabies are still with us and just because your dog is a guide dog does not mean that it could not catch/carry rabies and infect other dogs, humans even, highly unlikley, but we will join the EU list of unlisted countries and vaccinations against rabies is a requirement, as is the additional medical check each time you leave the UK for an EU country.

Personally these additional requirements do not bother me, we routinely have our dog vaccinated against a disease known as Leachmani, prevelant in Spain, however, there is no legal requirement for your dog to have this vaccination, we just get it done so that we know he is protected. 

I know guide dog owners are very protective of their dogs, so if it is a requirement it will be adhered to.

Wherenext replied on 15/01/2021 19:46

Posted on 15/01/2021 19:43 by Mitsi Fendt

I'm considering exploring the route of a French pet passport on our next visit whenever that may be. I'm also considering a French passport for me as I have a French mother.

Posted on 15/01/2021 19:46

Wouldn't you just have the same problem but in reverse? Or are you thinking of having 2 passports for the dog as well?

replied on 25/01/2021 13:59

Posted on 25/01/2021 13:59

Has anyone gleaned any information re the viability of obtaining an EU pet passport whilst on holiday? I’ve been reading through the regulations and - unless I’m missing something - this seems to be a fairly straightforward process and significantly cheaper than the AHC now required for each trip. I’ve contacted several vets to get a price and they are generally well over £100, although the most eye-watering quote was for £160. This was made up of the fee for filling in the form plus a consultation fee. 
If a French address is required for the pet passport, we have several friends who could help out. 

Oxfordeagle15 replied on 25/01/2021 17:20

Posted on 25/01/2021 17:20

We are fortunate in that our Spaniel has a French Pet Passport - issued at Calais as the bag in which we had her passport was stolen in Spain.  The vet in Spain reissued the passport for a very reasonable Euros 10 but made a mistake and we were refused boarding at Le Shuttle for both dogs.  New pet passports were issued at a cost of Euros 50 in Calais - the elder died in 2018.  So a word of caution - if you are fortunate in getting the passport reissued - double check the entries and specifically the dates of innoculations which have to be way before the issue date of the new passport.

I spoke to the Authorities here a few weeks back and they confirmed that the dog can remain on her French passport but said that No UK vet is allowed to write in that passport,  So if you need the rabies or other booster then this will need to be done by a European Vet and not one in GB.

Maybe you need to check with a French Vet as to whether they will issue a passport to a British Dog - perhaps your friends can make a call to the local veterinaire (in France).   However on the basis that the owner will not have a Residence Permit - it might be more complicated than it seems.

The Authorities seem to have this one "sown up" in that UK Vets are not allowed to write in the passport ...... Would be interested to hear the results of your enquiries.


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