Petrol and Diesel Cars to be Banned by 2040

kevinhrc1 replied on 26/07/2017 00:34

Posted on 26/07/2017 00:34

Is this the end of caravan, with the news diesels and petrol engines cars  will not be available to buy after the year 2040, I cant see electric vehicles having the power to tow large caravans any real distance and what about a motorhome's  does the government realise what they are proposing, and what it will do to the caravan industry I don't think they have thought  this one through can you imagine how big the vehicle would have to be to carry enough  battery's to tow a twin wheel caravan and all that goes with it some of these moterhome's would weigh 5 ton I think a E petition should be set up by the caravan club  so this can be heard in the house of commons and be debated properly they are forcing people of the road these  electric vehicles will not be as cheap as the vehicles you can buy now the mind boggles

Vulcan replied on 05/08/2017 22:14

Posted on 26/07/2017 00:34 by kevinhrc1

Is this the end of caravan, with the news diesels and petrol engines cars  will not be available to buy after the year 2040, I cant see electric vehicles having the power to tow large caravans any real distance and what about a motorhome's  does the government realise what they are proposing, and what it will do to the caravan industry I don't think they have thought  this one through can you imagine how big the vehicle would have to be to carry enough  battery's to tow a twin wheel caravan and all that goes with it some of these moterhome's would weigh 5 ton I think a E petition should be set up by the caravan club  so this can be heard in the house of commons and be debated properly they are forcing people of the road these  electric vehicles will not be as cheap as the vehicles you can buy now the mind boggles

Posted on 05/08/2017 22:14

Electric cars will certainly have the power to tow a caravan because they produce a lot of torque from zero revs, the problem is battery range which has not progressed sufficiently in the last 150 years and the lack of of convenient charging points.

Lutz replied on 06/08/2017 12:09

Posted on 06/08/2017 00:32 by G Cherokee

Me thinks that the car manufacturers will have a huge bearing on this subject. I don't think they will just stand around and let it happen.

Posted on 06/08/2017 12:09

Quite true. They have an immensely powerful lobby and I would therefore expect the net outcome to be a compromise (Euro 10 emissions standards for internal combustion engines which may require hybrid techniques in order to ensure fulfilment?)

paul56 replied on 07/08/2017 10:27

Posted on 07/08/2017 10:27

There is almost a quarter of a century to go before 2040 and there will be massive changes in battery technology before that time. Consider all of the technological changes there has been since the 1990's and consider the pace of change - how changes are becoming more and more rapid. I have no doubt at all that by 2040 the technology will be there. 

Heethers replied on 07/08/2017 10:45

Posted on 07/08/2017 10:27 by paul56

There is almost a quarter of a century to go before 2040 and there will be massive changes in battery technology before that time. Consider all of the technological changes there has been since the 1990's and consider the pace of change - how changes are becoming more and more rapid. I have no doubt at all that by 2040 the technology will be there. 

Posted on 07/08/2017 10:45

Yes but l would hazard a guess it will come at a cost, we will have to pay for it somewhere down the line, glad l won't be around to see it 

NMSmith replied on 11/08/2017 20:30

Posted on 11/08/2017 20:30

Be very interesting to see when & IF our wonderful government, royalty, police, rescue services take the step to use electric vehicles. I very much doubt it in near future.

I also cannot figure out where all the tax money is going to come from with no road tax (No chance), no fuel tax and most of all I am totally sure we will not be able to generate enough electricity to satisfy the need, if we can guess what cost will be!!

All countries are concerned about employment, how many jobs will be lost in oil industry alone, also how will our food service cope with no vans going about.

Another brainwave from those in power.

Devlo replied on 13/02/2020 05:39

Posted on 13/02/2020 05:39

As it stands at the moment, the cut off point to buy a new diesel, petrol or hybrid vehicle is 2040 with the possibility of bringing it forward to 2035. The use of these type of vehicles is not banned. There might even be a surge of people buying new cars before the cut off date. However, I suspect that the price per litre will rise considerably around this time. 

The key words here are “As it stands at the moment”.

Governments are well known for moving the goalposts as we all know, and as it’s likely they haven’t thought of everything yet, things could become worse for the leisure industry and its customers. 

Also a change of government opens up the chance of a change of policy. Whatever happens it will come at a huge cost to the motorist and the caravanner. There is a lot of revenue to be lost from fuel. 

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 13/02/2020 09:14

Posted on 13/02/2020 05:39 by Devlo

As it stands at the moment, the cut off point to buy a new diesel, petrol or hybrid vehicle is 2040 with the possibility of bringing it forward to 2035. The use of these type of vehicles is not banned. There might even be a surge of people buying new cars before the cut off date. However, I suspect that the price per litre will rise considerably around this time. 

The key words here are β€œAs it stands at the moment”.

Governments are well known for moving the goalposts as we all know, and as it’s likely they haven’t thought of everything yet, things could become worse for the leisure industry and its customers. 

Also a change of government opens up the chance of a change of policy. Whatever happens it will come at a huge cost to the motorist and the caravanner. There is a lot of revenue to be lost from fuel. 

Posted on 13/02/2020 09:14

Last nights news-‘Mr Johnson would like to see the ban in 2032’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, good luck with that Bojo. HS2 will empty the coffers without all electric UKπŸ™„πŸ™„

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