Petrol and Diesel Cars to be Banned by 2040

kevinhrc1 replied on 26/07/2017 00:34

Posted on 26/07/2017 00:34

Is this the end of caravan, with the news diesels and petrol engines cars  will not be available to buy after the year 2040, I cant see electric vehicles having the power to tow large caravans any real distance and what about a motorhome's  does the government realise what they are proposing, and what it will do to the caravan industry I don't think they have thought  this one through can you imagine how big the vehicle would have to be to carry enough  battery's to tow a twin wheel caravan and all that goes with it some of these moterhome's would weigh 5 ton I think a E petition should be set up by the caravan club  so this can be heard in the house of commons and be debated properly they are forcing people of the road these  electric vehicles will not be as cheap as the vehicles you can buy now the mind boggles

Firedragon replied on 26/07/2017 11:20

Posted on 26/07/2017 11:20

As to the infrastructure shouldn't the first step be to insist that all service stations have a bank of charging points after all they won't need so many pumps by then will they.


GodivaNige replied on 26/07/2017 11:38

Posted on 26/07/2017 11:21 by Firedragon

Do they make hybrid lorries yet ?

Posted on 26/07/2017 11:38

Yes, hybrid buses are already on our roads and HGV's are currently undergoing testing.

Iveco currently have CNG powered trucks in their range. 

In the future, there will be more satellite distribution depots constructed around built up areas and city centres, lorries will drop on the outskirts and electric/hybrid vans will complete deliveries.

GodivaNige replied on 26/07/2017 11:48

Posted on 26/07/2017 11:48

These proposals to ban sales of NEW petrol and diesel car sales by 2040 will initially see the value of those traditionally powered cars still on the roads, rise in value.

Then, after a further number of years, we will become like Cuba, in that all resources will be found to keep petrol and diesel cars running for as long as possible. Whilst this ambitious projection is sending out all kinds of scare stories, diesel and petrol will remain the greatest source of vehicle power for many years beyond 2040.

You can't scrap 40 million fossil fuelled cars in the space of 20 or so years and it'll be at least another 10-15 years beyond 2040 before electric vehicle numbers start to overtake older fuelled cars.

By which time, most of us will be 6ft under.

holmesonwheels24 replied on 26/07/2017 21:47

Posted on 26/07/2017 21:47

I hope some thought goes in to the logistics of having facilties to re charge these vehicles.For eg. in streets of terraced houses will be space outside your house be only to be used by the house owner? what if there is 2 or more cars at the house. .Will there be charge bollards outside each house. what if you live in a flat/high rise?  and finally how are we going to generate all the electricity to charge all these vehicles?  Like cyberyacht i will be too old to be bothered.                                        

RIP the internal combustio engine.

replied on 28/07/2017 19:56

Posted on 28/07/2017 19:56

Let us not forget that the club entire network will have to be rewired to provide charging facilities. Currently the maximum load is 16 amps; just enough for a small EV charging over 10 - 15 hours, but the existing system will not support everyone taking 16 amps and in addition there is the load for the caravan to allow for.

Surely the club should carry out some road tests on EV's and Hybrids to highlight the situation.

The I mech E carried out an investigation last year and found 50% of lorries were travelling empty; surprise!!. They also found that a huge proportion of lorry journeys were within a 70 mile radius of Liverpool. Why allow lorries to travel from Dover to Manchester/Birmingham. Could they not go on a train overnight like the 'tunnel train'? 

TonyBurton replied on 29/07/2017 21:54

Posted on 29/07/2017 21:54

The move to diesel a few years back was a political decision that ignored the glaring fact that diesels were dirty.  Now we have another headline grabbing political decision that whilst encouraging development ignores some of the science. No one has mentioned the pollution caused by trying to dispose of all those batteries at the end of their very short life.

Milothedog replied on 30/07/2017 12:00

Posted on 30/07/2017 12:00

Just read a short article in one of the Sunday papers saying that whilst the price of used Diesel cars has shown a drop since the announcement actual sales are increasing.

Read what you like into 

tigerfish replied on 05/08/2017 18:11

Posted on 05/08/2017 18:11

This Govt change of attitude towards diesels is farcical!

Why if diesels are so evil have the Dept for transport decided that they cannot complete the electrification of the Main Paddington to Swansea and Paddington to Plymouth main rail lines and have now instructed Hitachi to fit all of their new class 800 Electric trains with Diesel engines?

This is no false story, I live next to the depot that is doing the work. and have been in to watch the work being carried out. Each 5 car set will have 3 x 21 Litre Maybach engines fitted so that they can be used on the huge areas of the line that they have run out of money to electrify!

You wouldn't believe it if it was written in a novel!


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