
G Cherokee replied on 14/12/2017 20:57

Posted on 14/12/2017 20:57

I'm changing my car in the new year and although I would prefer an auto I'm not adverse to getting a manual gearbox.

Can you good folk give me some idea of their tow car performance with a manual box, preferably comments on clutch wear and what sort of mileage did you achieve before a new clutch was fitted??

This is important to me as it will determine the car I end up purchasing.

Thanks guys

Apattullo replied on 23/12/2017 22:47

Posted on 23/12/2017 21:28 by Tinwheeler

Cheers, MM.

I could only think of phrases such as "......before you were born". 

Posted on 23/12/2017 22:47

Thanks for proving my point!

Your right torque converters and auto boxes have been around much longer than me but since my engineering background is with once of the biggest forklift manufacturers in the world, I think it makes me well placed to express my opinions, my point is that yes there are valid points in the post but it also seems people are just using technical terms because they've heard of them and I don't think it's helpful, just because I'm 30 years young than you doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about!! 

So if anyone would like me to post a picture of a cut open of torque converter with technical explanation I'd be happy to oblige, you tube won't be needed.

So A$re from elbow and SFA really?

Tinwheeler replied on 23/12/2017 23:02

Posted on 23/12/2017 22:47 by Apattullo

Thanks for proving my point!

Your right torque converters and auto boxes have been around much longer than me but since my engineering background is with once of the biggest forklift manufacturers in the world, I think it makes me well placed to express my opinions, my point is that yes there are valid points in the post but it also seems people are just using technical terms because they've heard of them and I don't think it's helpful, just because I'm 30 years young than you doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about!! 

So if anyone would like me to post a picture of a cut open of torque converter with technical explanation I'd be happy to oblige, you tube won't be needed.

So A$re from elbow and SFA really?

Posted on 23/12/2017 23:02

Actually, you have proved my point. The arrogance of youth.

What gives you the right to assume you know more than people on here who are genuine experts? You assume people are bandying terms around without understanding them but it could be said the boot is on the other foot. Making sweeping statements without knowing the true state of play is not clever.

Apattullo replied on 23/12/2017 23:38

Posted on 23/12/2017 23:38


I haven't assumed anything I just asked a question and my second post was my reasoning for my question.

You're the one who assumed that I didn't know what I was talking about because I'm younger than than you. Maybe you need practice what you preach.

Since this going off topic maybe this isn't the place for an exchange of opinions?  



Tinwheeler replied on 24/12/2017 00:10

Posted on 23/12/2017 23:38 by Apattullo


I haven't assumed anything I just asked a question and my second post was my reasoning for my question.

You're the one who assumed that I didn't know what I was talking about because I'm younger than than you. Maybe you need practice what you preach.

Since this going off topic maybe this isn't the place for an exchange of opinions?  



Posted on 24/12/2017 00:10

Oh, no. I have not assumed anything. You asked a question in such a way that it implied you know more than others which is arrogant and shows disrespect. Your second post compounded the first. That is my gripe rather than the extent of your knowledge. 

I suggest you reread the posts and consider what has been said and the way your words come across. You will also find the words quoted in the last sentence of your previous post are not mine. (Although they may well prove appropriate.) 

Perhaps you should have considered the ‘off topic’ aspect before you insinuated others have a lack of knowledge. 

Milothedog replied on 24/12/2017 08:59

Posted on 23/12/2017 19:26 by Apattullo

Since every second post references torque converters I'm wondering how many of the experts in this post actually know / understand how torque converter works? Don't need any links to you tube etc thanks

Auto boxes still have clutches to change gear sets, ok they'll mainly be oil immersed but there still clutches.

Fuild flywheels have not a mention either? Suspect there are few vehicles with auto boxes actually use a fuild flywheel as opposed to a torque converter.


Posted on 24/12/2017 08:59

"Fuild flywheels have not a mention either? Suspect there are few vehicles with auto boxes actually use a fuild flywheel as opposed to a torque converter." 

That made me laugh cool

The last production vehicle I can think of that I worked on with a Fluid Flywheel was in the late 70's/ early 80's on a Leyland Fleetline double decker.

That was coupled to a Wilson epicyclic 4 speed gearbox.


A FF may be OK in a plant application but is terribly inefficient for a road vehicle.  I also know the difference between a FF and a TC so am not quoting google but using my qualifications, 40 years in the trade, and the fact that I trained apprentices so had to keep up with technology until 5 years ago when I gave it all up wink.

Expert, ? yes I was actually or for my company at least being the engineering training manager and part of the technical support team.

Only a small company with a mere 2000 + vehicles going out the doors every morning........


Milothedog replied on 24/12/2017 09:07

Posted on 24/12/2017 08:38 by EmilysDad

I've an engineering back ground too. A Btech with HM Navy from 30 plus years ago ☺

Posted on 24/12/2017 09:07

Probably like myself MM when I did my apprenticeship and did my C&G's you were also actually taught to repair and rebuild things rather than just change it. smile

Randomcamper replied on 24/12/2017 09:07

Posted on 24/12/2017 09:07

"Since every second post references torque converters I'm wondering how many of the experts in this post actually know / understand how torque converter works? Don't need any links to you tube etc thanks"

"but since my engineering background is with once of the biggest forklift manufacturers in the world,"

Not sure who your post is aimed at Apatullo, it came immediately after mine....??

I don't claim in my post to be an expert on anything, but I did 20 years as a senior engineer with one of the biggest engineering companies in the UK, so if you are 30, then I've a bit more experience than you.....wink

I was expressing that I find a TC auto nicer drive than a manual or a Renault twin clutch automated manual (EDC they call it). Like many on here I could study the internet for as many diagrams as I wanted....

Good luck in your engineering career, I found a bit of diplomacy in talking to people payed dividends.....wink

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