Our new caravan !!

replied on 19/06/2021 16:54

Posted on 19/06/2021 16:54

So off we went excitedly to the dealership to pick up our 3rd caravan  but our 1st brand new caravan this afternoon. We were shown around how things work etc and told “it’s been inspected and washed for you” when I spotted this pretty large crack in the window/skylight !! Hence we came home empty handed and very disappointed and also very angry .

Tinwheeler replied on 20/06/2021 20:26

Posted on 20/06/2021 20:14 by eribaMotters

Why not name and shame. To attempt a handover of a caravan with such a fault is unacceptable. Fellow punters could then take there business elsewhere.



Posted on 20/06/2021 20:26

It’s very easy to work out. I nearly named them but decided the OP has his reasons and will name them if he sees fit.

replied on 21/06/2021 10:30

Posted on 21/06/2021 10:30

Update, they’ve phoned this morning to say replacement unit won’t be ready before we are going away in 10 days time so it’s all sealed up with tape and we are ok to use it and drop it back into them on the way back up the M5. 

It’s the outer skin that’s cracked but they replace the whole unit so apparently if any water did get in it would be contained within the unit itself. For those who haven’t worked the dealership out use your zoom button 😉





SeasideBill replied on 21/06/2021 12:12

Posted on 21/06/2021 12:12

I can understand your anger, but in fairness to the dealer who’s name we shall not speak, historically I’ve had dealings with them for a number of years without drama. I’d say they have a good reputation locally and would expect them to resolve matters to your satisfaction. It’s too easy to tarnish reputations on social media without knowing the full circumstances end-to-end.

I wonder if the sheer volume of units they’re shifting this year has caused them to cut corners and overlook faults?

Anyway, good luck. 

replied on 28/06/2021 16:39

Posted on 28/06/2021 16:39

An update for you, Davan are not budging and they’ve offered us the chance of a new caravan but that means getting on the waiting list again which was 3 months last time so thats not practical or we’ve been offered fuel money for the extra couple of journeys to and from WSM which realistically amounts to no more than about £20. Also water did get into the van before they taped up the crack as the carpet under the sunroof was damp.

So am I being unreasonable or not ?

Takethedogalong replied on 28/06/2021 18:31

Posted on 28/06/2021 18:31

Get your money back, walk away and start again. You are a long time living with a faulty van, and it’s likely to need more warranty work. Three months waiting, or years of trailing back and forth having work done and still not getting away.

Tinwheeler replied on 28/06/2021 18:57

Posted on 28/06/2021 18:57

I think I made my feelings clear earlier in the thread. Personally, I’d want a refund and compo and not just £20 either as it’s fuel, wear and tear on your car, stress, inconvenience and disruption of holidays. 

I'd then go looking elsewhere and, even with the shortage of LVs this year, I'm sure there will be a dealer out there with something suitable. I'd not get hung up on brand new either.

PS. If you're a Facebook user, tell all on Davan's page and anywhere else appropriate. 

Wherenext replied on 28/06/2021 19:06

Posted on 28/06/2021 19:06

Hope you paid some of the deposit at least with a credit card as I would put it in the hands of the Credit Card supplier and get them to recoup your money under Section 75 and walk away from the dealers. 

As has been said upthread you could end up with having to deal with these dealers over further warranty problems. Will either of you be happy dealing with each other?

BTW - Section 75 doesn't just recover the amount you paid on the credit card but the whole amount owed to you.

young thomas replied on 28/06/2021 20:12

Posted on 28/06/2021 20:12

surely there would be many other Swifts on the forecourt with an identical skylight....they could have swapped one over in ten mins and then let the other van wait for the replacement...

Pliers replied on 28/06/2021 20:28

Posted on 28/06/2021 20:28

I would definitely demand a total refund.

Any other new item, if damaged, who would accept a repair?

A coat ordered from Next.... if the zip was broken when delivered , would a repair be acceptable?   Doubt it.

Hope it all gets sorted for you, fingers crossed. 🤞🙂

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