Wifi Price rise

Mikeyj replied on 10/04/2019 16:22

Posted on 10/04/2019 16:22

CAMC have put up the cost of wifi on its sites by 10% on the annual charge to £27.50. Have I missed something as there doesn’t appear to be anything in the way of explanation on the website or magazine?. Are they hoping that no-one will notice?

Tinwheeler replied on 22/07/2020 08:34

Posted on 22/07/2020 07:11 by Compo

I have always used the club wifi, right from the very start, even though the connection is not great on some sites. I last purchased 12 months worth for £27.50 on 14th September 2019, but for various reasons I only had chance to use it for a 4 day period in November 2019. Earlier this month I spent 2 nights at Tewkesbury Abbey C&MH club site and tried using the club wifi but found it very difficult to connect at all and when I did connect it was very slow. As a result I started using my mobile phone connection on 4G and found it very quick to connect. I will be using this in future even though it appears that the caravan club wifi period has been extended, without cost, by about 3 months. I assume this is because of the shutdown period due to covid. Could anyone please tell me if using 4G is as safe or safer than using the club wifi.

Posted on 22/07/2020 08:34

Well done on discovering 4G. I think I've said before in this thread that I tether my pad to my phone and use 4G. It doesn't eat a tremendous amount of data, depending what you use it for, and is far more efficient than club WiFi. It also works in many more places.

Public WiFi should never be considered secure and the mobile network is thought safer. Some folk even use mobi at home rather than a landline broadband system.

Compo replied on 22/07/2020 08:44

Posted on 22/07/2020 08:34 by Tinwheeler

Well done on discovering 4G. I think I've said before in this thread that I tether my pad to my phone and use 4G. It doesn't eat a tremendous amount of data, depending what you use it for, and is far more efficient than club WiFi. It also works in many more places.

Public WiFi should never be considered secure and the mobile network is thought safer. Some folk even use mobi at home rather than a landline broadband system.

Posted on 22/07/2020 08:44

Thanks for that. I must admit I was surprised how good the 4G connection was. wink

DavidKlyne replied on 22/07/2020 09:21

Posted on 22/07/2020 08:44 by Compo

Thanks for that. I must admit I was surprised how good the 4G connection was. wink

Posted on 22/07/2020 09:21

I use 4G now as my first preference as providing I can get a reasonable signal it is faster and more reliable that the Club WiFi. 


Tinwheeler replied on 22/07/2020 09:48

Posted on 22/07/2020 08:44 by Compo

Thanks for that. I must admit I was surprised how good the 4G connection was. wink

Posted on 22/07/2020 09:48

It is indeed as David has discovered as well. There aren't many places you can't get a signal these days, usually the wildest or most remote areas (and Clumber Park). I've used it successfully in the Western Isles and in Orkney & Shetland where you certainly won't find club wifi! 

Cornersteady replied on 22/07/2020 10:05

Posted on 22/07/2020 07:26 by

UK was never mentioned just a sweeping statement about the speed and capacity of,free WiFi which I pointed out is not invariably true.

Please desist from attempting to censor my posts with your continual  attempts to close down any reference to the world outside club site gates.

Posted on 22/07/2020 10:05

censor - harsh words AD and Nothing of the sort, just trying to keep the thread on topic. Does UK really have to mentioned in a thread about CAMC club site wifi? I hardly think so in my view?

not invariably true. Again you only example is from over there and has been said before any comparison with over there to over here is largely useless as prices, structures... are not the same and usually cannot be duplicated.

I'll ask again - do you have any examples in the UK to prove your point would be more relevant and useful? 

Cornersteady replied on 22/07/2020 10:08

Posted on 22/07/2020 08:34 by Tinwheeler

Well done on discovering 4G. I think I've said before in this thread that I tether my pad to my phone and use 4G. It doesn't eat a tremendous amount of data, depending what you use it for, and is far more efficient than club WiFi. It also works in many more places.

Public WiFi should never be considered secure and the mobile network is thought safer. Some folk even use mobi at home rather than a landline broadband system.

Posted on 22/07/2020 10:08

I've been surprised how little data it uses too. I've been using on line OS maps and tracking apps while out and about, also searching for things on the go and very little data usage.


JVB66 replied on 22/07/2020 10:13

Posted on 22/07/2020 09:48 by Tinwheeler

It is indeed as David has discovered as well. There aren't many places you can't get a signal these days, usually the wildest or most remote areas (and Clumber Park). I've used it successfully in the Western Isles and in Orkney & Shetland where you certainly won't find club wifi! 

Posted on 22/07/2020 10:13

O2 and EE are useless where we live to get any signal on either its a trip upstairs ,the portable card readers that "contractors?" use do not work heresurprised

replied on 22/07/2020 10:24

Posted on 22/07/2020 10:05 by Cornersteady

censor - harsh words AD and Nothing of the sort, just trying to keep the thread on topic. Does UK really have to mentioned in a thread about CAMC club site wifi? I hardly think so in my view?

not invariably true. Again you only example is from over there and has been said before any comparison with over there to over here is largely useless as prices, structures... are not the same and usually cannot be duplicated.

I'll ask again - do you have any examples in the UK to prove your point would be more relevant and useful? 

Posted on 22/07/2020 10:24

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moulesy replied on 22/07/2020 10:29

Posted on 21/07/2020 23:59 by
Content has been removed.

Posted on 22/07/2020 10:29

What a pity that you've resorted to sarcasm to support a rather questionable argument, but hardly surprising given your recent record of responding to my posts.

So let me ask you a direct question - have you personally ever known "free" wifi in pubs, restaurants or campsites (you seem to have missed that I included campsites in my original post by the way) to match in any way that which you experience at home?

(Note, that I made no reference to sites "over there" cheap or otherwise in my post - a rather "cheap" snipe I thought. frown)

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