Wifi Price rise

Mikeyj replied on 10/04/2019 16:22

Posted on 10/04/2019 16:22

CAMC have put up the cost of wifi on its sites by 10% on the annual charge to £27.50. Have I missed something as there doesn’t appear to be anything in the way of explanation on the website or magazine?. Are they hoping that no-one will notice?

Cornersteady replied on 21/07/2020 21:37

Posted on 21/07/2020 18:33 by

I am afraid you are wrong. We would but for Covid be spending September on a site where the free WiFi is powerful enough throughout a very very large site to to watch UK TV or listen  to BBC Radio. 

Posted on 21/07/2020 21:37

As this is in the club membership section and M I think your point is not applicable really. M is correct. 

replied on 21/07/2020 21:41

Posted on 21/07/2020 21:37 by Cornersteady

As this is in the club membership section and M I think your point is not applicable really. M is correct. 

Posted on 21/07/2020 21:41

Thanks for volunteering to adjudicate I am sure that it is appreciated by (nearly) all

Cornersteady replied on 21/07/2020 22:03

Posted on 21/07/2020 21:41 by

Thanks for volunteering to adjudicate I am sure that it is appreciated by (nearly) all

Posted on 21/07/2020 22:03

I think you have misread my post again ET, btw is adjudicating the new CT word for daring to agree with someone?  smile

replied on 21/07/2020 22:11

Posted on 21/07/2020 22:03 by Cornersteady

I think you have misread my post again ET, btw is adjudicating the new CT word for daring to agree with someone?  smile

Posted on 21/07/2020 22:11

No not a new word CS. It is a long established word and ,in this instance, for making a pronouncement as to rights and wrongs of members posts for the avoidance of doubt amongst lesser mortals.

replied on 21/07/2020 22:14

Posted on 21/07/2020 21:37 by Cornersteady

As this is in the club membership section and M I think your point is not applicable really. M is correct. 

Posted on 21/07/2020 22:14

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

Cornersteady replied on 21/07/2020 23:23

Posted on 21/07/2020 22:14 by

Moulsey was wrong about the quality of free WiFi and I have pointed out his error. What's your problem? 

Posted on 21/07/2020 23:23

As I'm sure you know M was talking about free wifi in pubs, restaurants... in the UK and he was not in error, I've found the same yet your point was about one site abroad.  

I mean this is the club section and the OP is asking about wifi on club sites, nothing to do with overseas touring so your post was off topic and not useful unless the Op was asking about that?

If you had posted about a UK (club) site where the 'free' wifi better than what M had described you may have had a valid point, have you such a site in mind?


Cornersteady replied on 21/07/2020 23:29

Posted on 21/07/2020 22:11 by

No not a new word CS. It is a long established word and ,in this instance, for making a pronouncement as to rights and wrongs of members posts for the avoidance of doubt amongst lesser mortals.

Posted on 21/07/2020 23:29

yet I was not doing that, merely replying to a post, is that not allowed anymore without such a comment from you?

The same application of adjudication  could be applied to other post and indeed your posts but I'm too polite to do that.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

replied on 21/07/2020 23:59

Posted on 21/07/2020 23:59

Content has been removed.

Compo replied on 22/07/2020 07:11

Posted on 22/07/2020 07:11

I have always used the club wifi, right from the very start, even though the connection is not great on some sites. I last purchased 12 months worth for £27.50 on 14th September 2019, but for various reasons I only had chance to use it for a 4 day period in November 2019. Earlier this month I spent 2 nights at Tewkesbury Abbey C&MH club site and tried using the club wifi but found it very difficult to connect at all and when I did connect it was very slow. As a result I started using my mobile phone connection on 4G and found it very quick to connect. I will be using this in future even though it appears that the caravan club wifi period has been extended, without cost, by about 3 months. I assume this is because of the shutdown period due to covid. Could anyone please tell me if using 4G is as safe or safer than using the club wifi.

replied on 22/07/2020 07:26

Posted on 21/07/2020 23:23 by Cornersteady

As I'm sure you know M was talking about free wifi in pubs, restaurants... in the UK and he was not in error, I've found the same yet your point was about one site abroad.  

I mean this is the club section and the OP is asking about wifi on club sites, nothing to do with overseas touring so your post was off topic and not useful unless the Op was asking about that?

If you had posted about a UK (club) site where the 'free' wifi better than what M had described you may have had a valid point, have you such a site in mind?


Posted on 22/07/2020 07:26

The user and all related content has been Deleted User
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