Non EHU & enforced EHU

GarryP replied on 19/06/2017 15:46

Posted on 19/06/2017 15:46

The Sandringham National was EHU take it or leave it, I have spoken with several of my centre ralliers, and about 50% said they would have liked a choice, as most ralliers are geared up for off grid, many vans now come with solar panels, I for one would have preferred non EHU, certainly didn't use £ 5 worth of electric a day with only a 6 amp supply.

There were certainly not enough pitches this year, I heard several people complaining before and after the rally that they could not get a place, and walking around the site there appeared to be many unsused area, so I can only assume that the rally was setup around the available electric points and generators etc.

Could someone from the club confirm if all future nationals are going to be EHU only, and why this will be so, I personally consider this a bacwards step.

GarryP replied on 21/06/2017 23:52

Posted on 21/06/2017 23:52

Yes, I too have been almost next to a generator on a previous rally, and we were not on electric, in fact the EHU's were in a seperate block and the generator was closer to the non EHU block than the actual ones using the EHU's, that was unfair, and I know of some national ralliers who have not done a national since.

brue replied on 22/06/2017 08:36

Posted on 22/06/2017 08:36

It sounds as though the generators will "generate" money and no choice will be available. frown

young thomas replied on 24/06/2017 18:39

Posted on 22/06/2017 08:36 by brue

It sounds as though the generators will "generate" money and no choice will be available. frown

Posted on 24/06/2017 18:39

not specifically about the National, but the principle...

the same approach is employed with the Club's 'parking' at the NEC shows.....there is no non-ehu option, even if only staying over one night.

i believe the cost now of such an 'overnight parking space' is £27, when i queried why it was so much, the answer was all geared around the 'vast expense' of providing hook up for everyone, despite it not being 'necessary' for hardly anyone and unlikely to be 'chosen' by a great many, given the option.

if this is the way the National is being set up (provide, and charge for, an expensive, noisy service that many dont want) then the Club will find folk being put off....

Firedragon replied on 24/06/2017 23:31

Posted on 24/06/2017 23:31

if this is the way the National is being set up (provide, and charge for, an expensive, noisy service that many dont want) then the Club will find folk being put off....

I seem to remember back when CT first started, and we first discussed a National on here, the overwhelming majority who did NOT intend to ever attend a National were those who wouldn't dream of spending even one night in a field (even if it is a stately home back garden) with NO facilities surprised

How times have changed undecided

Well as some are also complaining that said fields are not big enough anyway - not that there is any field big enough to cater for the whole membership should there possibly be a miracle that even a quarter of the membership suddenly decided they wanted to try just one National, it seems only fair that the Club would have to look at methods to discourage some to prevent massive overbooking, so why not take the easy road of providing EHUs for all at a (still) cheaper price than five nights on a Club Site, that would give those who want something to moan about a positive reason rather than a negative one ? winklaughing

After all, it is not the National 'Rally' anymore so why pander to ralliers in particular ?


(Head down and duck...I'm off to bed laughing)


GarryP replied on 24/06/2017 23:59

Posted on 24/06/2017 23:59

Allison, with all the advertising done to get people to attend a national, I don't understand your point about the club discouraging some to prevent overbooking ? or positive/negative reason statement.

Also how can you possibly compare the cost of overpriced club sites with full facilities againt a RALLY with minimal facilities and not expect it to be cheaper.

Don't understand your comment that the national is not RALLY anymore, perhaps you know more what the club is trying out, I note they are silent as usual on the subject.


Firedragon replied on 25/06/2017 07:53

Posted on 25/06/2017 07:53

The word Rally was removed from the National a few years ago Garry, apparently it discouraged people from going as they imagined camping in a field with no facilities etc etc...

Anyone who has been to a National but never a rally will probably be very disappointed on going to a 'normal' rally as it is very different (allbeit a lot cheaper). 

As for the Club being silent on the matter, I think you are misunderstanding the reason for this forum - it is for US, the members to discuss things, yes it is watched over by staff members (and worthy volunteers from the membership too) but it is NOT for us to ask the Club questions and get immediate responses here, they only watch over us to make sure we don't step out of line. If you want a discussion with HQ I suggest you phone or write to them, this is our forum.


brue replied on 25/06/2017 09:30

Posted on 25/06/2017 09:30

Alison I disagree strongly with your statement "it is NOT for us to ask questions." Of course we can ask questions on here or anywhere else and the club is answerable to all of us via it's elected representtives.

We may not get immediate answers but we can certainly ask them. I would like to think of better engagement with the membership via social media.

brue replied on 25/06/2017 10:17

Posted on 25/06/2017 10:17

So those of us who have invested in new "technology" and bought low impact solar panels will have to pay for the old diesel generator technology? wink

Boff replied on 25/06/2017 10:59

Posted on 25/06/2017 10:59

Firedragon: I haven't seen anyone on this thread suggest that there should be no Ehu's and the national.  What people have complained about correctly in my view is the like it and lump it attitude to having EHU at the national.  Doesn't exactly promote choice and diversity does it?

Also you quite rightly say that word rally was removed from the name of the National.  However discussions of the "National" appear in the section titled National Rallies.  You really can't have your cake and eat it.  

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