Delta Karro Touring Caravan

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Touring Caravans
Horsham, West Sussex, South East
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Berth: 6, Bathrooms:, 1, Bedrooms, : 3, Year, : 2006, Condition, :, Used, Size, : 37ft x 12ft, Location, : Horsham, Product Ref, : 3178, Static Caravan Features, :, Single glazed, Gas Fire, WC and separate shower room, Master Bedroom, 2 Twin bedrooms, Pitched roof, This is a part ex unit/clearance in moderate decorative condition due to delamination of the finish on the cabinets and doors. Ideal if you require a larger low cost static caravan., Viewings are by appointment only, so give us a call on, 01403 274877, to arrange for a viewing of this static caravan., Follow Us On Social Media

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