Choose your stopover

Choose your stopover

Make the most of your trip with a stopover

Sydney, Australia

With so many options to choose from, our tailor-made booking experience could be the ideal choice for you. If you're travelling a long distance to reach your holiday destination, or you just fancy seeing more of the world in one trip, add a stopover to your route to one of the amazing locations we have to offer.

Spend a few nights in Dubai, Singapore or Hong Kong on your way to Australia and New Zealand or perhaps break up your journey to California with a mini-break in New York City. You could visit the pristine sandy beaches and amazing reefs of Bali, the bright lights of Las Vegas or enjoy a trip to Niagara Falls via Toronto.


Hong Kong







New York

San Francisco

Las Vegas



Cape Town





Airlines and airports

You have complete freedom to select which airport your depart from, which airline you fly with and even the class. 

Choose your airline
Memphis skyline

Tailormade excursions

Whether you’re looking to come face-to-face with whales or visit the home of jazz in Memphis, our expert team can arrange some incredible experiences for you.

Find your excursions
Cruise America

Motorhome hire options

We've partnered with motorhome hire companies in our tour destinations to make sure you have comfortable, stress-free accommodation.

See which vehicles are on offer
Kruger National Park, South Africa

Worldwide tours offers

Take a look at our great savings on bucket-list holidays worldwide

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