Water Trial 2024 Update


Near Tewkesbury Abbey Club Campsite. Member photo by Katie Dudley

Water is a precious resource that is under a huge amount of pressure from increasing populations, mass wastage and climate change. Reducing the Club’s water usage has many benefits including, easing long-term pressure on water resources, helps the Club with cost control, helps us do our part for the environment and helps us future-proof against the impacts of drought, water shortages, restrictions and contamination.

The Club annually utilises around 550 thousand cubic litres of water which equates to 220 olympic swimming pools being filled and emptied each year! 

The Club is running a water saving and water reduction trial at 2 of our sites:- Black Knowl and Tewkesbury Abbey. The trial involves: 

  • Waterless urinals - saves 100% of the water used 
  • Low flow sensor taps - this ensures taps are not left on when not in use  
  • Reduced flow sensor laundry and wash up taps - these taps are aerated to allow pressure to wash, but still reduces water use by over 50% . 
  • Sensor toilet flush and reduced cistern water - more hygienic, and reducing the amount of water used when the toilet is flushed. 
  • In two of the inclusive rooms at Black Knowl we are also testing low flow, aerated shower heads 
  • Finally, at Black Knowl a leak detection and temperature monitor was fitted to understand the efficiency benefits of this technology 

During the trial we are aiming to achieve a reduction in water at the facility blocks of around 40% and as part of the trial we are gathering member and staff feedback to ensure we do not cause operational inefficiencies nor impact member satisfaction. 

Early results show we are well on target to reduce water consumption on these sites, it's not for everyone but many members love the idea and didn’t notice any change, while a few have given us constructive feedback that we are reviewing and has enabled us to tweak the trial and this will continue until we are able to deliver the optimal balance between saving water and member satisfaction.

We will keep you all updated and provide further updates in the Autumn.

Member feedback from the trial

"I am happy that CAMC is doing its bit for the environment and fully support these energy saving measures."

"I really appreciate the efforts being made to conserve water and energy- great to see."

"We liked the touch free taps and toilet flush. Although the aim is to save water, it feels more hygienic too. Ticks a few boxes!"

"Waterless men's urinals were always clean and no odour of any kind. Don't know how they work but a great product."

Bunree Club Campsite. Member photo by Richard Sexton


Sustainability Chairman's Award

The Chairman's award celebrates the commitment from our site's network on environmental, social and economic actions and engagement.

See the winners for 2023

Green Tourism Awards

Club Members are able to view each Club campsite's Green Tourism award level in each of the campsite reception areas and in the new edition of the Club’s Sites Directory & Handbook.   

Read more