Book UK Club Sites a year in advance

In spring 2018, we changed the way we put pitches on sale for members. Before then, we only put them on sale twice a year – but now you can book up to a year ahead all year round.

Book your 2024/25 caravan, motorhome or campervan pitch today

For more information take a look at our FAQs below:

When are pitches normally put on sale?

Toward the beginning of every month, we will put pitches on sale for the same month of the following year. e.g. early in May 2021 the Club will put on sale pitches for May 2022; early in June 2021 the Club put on sale June 2022 and so on.

In this way members will always be able to book one year ahead. 

Why did the Club change how bookings were made? Were members consulted?

The Club consulted with members and recognised that many members would like to plan and book further ahead than they are able to today.

We held a number of member focus groups around the UK as well as consulted with members and site staff via email surveys – the majority view was that the new process is a big improvement.

With the new changes, members will always be able to book UK Club Sites up to one year ahead. The aim is to provide a better experience for members.

Why has the Club chosen this approach to putting pitches on sale?

The approach the Club has taken is widely used in the travel and hospitality industry. It will be familiar with many members as a large number of hotels, airlines and train operators use this approach. 

How will this benefit members?

Members will always be able to plan and book up to one year ahead and therefore immediately re-book after an enjoyable trip, providing a much better experience for members. Also, by putting pitches on sale every month rather than once a year, it means that fewer members are all trying to make a booking on the same day – meaning an easier, faster and simpler booking experience.

How will members be able to book on the day the pitches go on sale?

On the day we launch next year's availability, you can book via the website, Contact Centre and by calling the site directly.

There will be no access to the UK Sites App until the following day. 

How do members book stays that fall over two months? E.g. over July and August?

There are, of course, bookings which fall across two months. In these cases, members can either wait for both months to become available before placing a booking, or can make an initial booking for the dates available in the first month and then amend the booking to encompass the second month, once those pitches have been put on sale.

The Club may occasionally put some multiple months on sale together. For example July and August 2019 were put on sale at the same time – toward the beginning of July 2018.

Will I have to wait in a booking queue?

Occasionally we may experience high levels of demand to our website for UK Site bookings. When this happens, you will be placed in a queue to ensure all members can make bookings in a fair manner.

Does this apply for all sites?

These changes apply to all UK Club Sites that we own/operate. Members can only book CLs and Affiliated Sites directly with the CL or Affiliated Site operator who run their bookings and availability independently of the Club.

Does the change affect other pitch types, like camping, seasonal and storage pitches?

The changes only affect touring pitches. Camping, seasonal and storage pitches are released for sale exactly as previously.

Will the current booking, amendment and cancellation terms and conditions change too?

The Club regularly evaluates the current booking, amendment and cancellation rules. In the event that Ts&Cs change, members will be consulted and notified of any agreed changes in advance.

Does this affect the late cancellation policy?

The 72hour late cancellation policy still applies. All members are encouraged to act considerately toward fellow members and to avoid making speculative bookings or cancelling late. The Club encourages members to act fairly to other members and cancel an unwanted booking as early as possible.

Is the Club going to introduce deposits?

The Club regularly evaluates the payment terms and conditions. In the event that payment terms change, members will be involved in the process and, of course, notified of any changes in advance.

Is there a ‘black-out’ day the day before the pitches go on sale each month whereby all the booking channels are switched off?


How do Centres & Rallies place a booking?

Centres who wish to hold a rally at a Club site can follow the same process as they have historically. The Club will continue to release information annually to Centres regarding the sites and times of year available.  Requests are processed through the normal existing channels. The only difference is that any availability already released could be confirmed sooner.

How will the Club manage UK Club Site closures due to redevelopment work?

The Club spends c.£12m – c.£15m per year improving the quality of UK Club Sites. The Club works hard to plan ahead with redevelopments. Sites with planned redevelopments may be put on sale earlier or later than the rest of the network. Wherever possible, the Club aims to minimise the impact of redevelopments on members.

Find out more about site redevelopments

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